Region A playoff ratings


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 24, 2018
Anyone got official Region A ratings?

I have it like this after tonight

1. Nottoway
2. King William
3. Poquoson
4. TJ
5. Brunswick
6. Amelia
7. Greensville County
8. Randolph Henry
Anyone got official Region A ratings?

I have it like this after tonight

1. Nottoway
2. King William
3. Poquoson
4. TJ
5. Brunswick
6. Amelia
7. Greensville County
8. Randolph Henry
I have same thing but it is close.
1. Nottoway. 26.000
2. King W. 25.000
3. Poquoson. 21.778
4. TJ. 21.667
5. Brunswick. 21.571
6. Amelia. 19.600
7. Greenville. 19.555
8. Randolph. 17.778

It is razor thin so will have to make sure Vhsl has same thing. 2 points separate 3-5 and one point seperates 6-7
I have same thing but it is close.
1. Nottoway. 26.000
2. King W. 25.000
3. Poquoson. 21.778
4. TJ. 21.667
5. Brunswick. 21.571
6. Amelia. 19.600
7. Greenville. 19.555
8. Randolph. 17.778

It is razor thin so will have to make sure Vhsl has same thing. 2 points separate 3-5 and one point seperates 6-7

I have King William at 25.22 currently, and a WL win moves them to 25.44.

They started at 191 (by VHSL numbers)

34 for King and Queen
2 for WP win
0/2 for Washington and Lee

Total 225 or 227.
It's my understanding that 2A may be using a different formula to create pairings. We'll have to wait and see if that's true or not.
It's my understanding that 2A may be using a different formula to create pairings. We'll have to wait and see if that's true or not.
They must have and power points alone are not used. I would like to see the formula. Does VHSL post it anywhere to see?
They must have and power points alone are not used. I would like to see the formula. Does VHSL post it anywhere to see?
It said above the seedings that it was based on power points, regional points system and winning percentage. Definitely curious in how the regional points system works.
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It said above the seedings that it was based on power points, regional points system and winning percentage. Definitely curious in how the regional points system works.
I would like to see the exact formula, how each component is actually calculated and if each component is weighted 1/3 or varies. Should interesting how a # 3 seed in any other class and region drops all the way to #6, not a slight tweaking.
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I would like to see the exact formula, how each component is actually calculated and if each component is weighted 1/3 or varies. Should interesting how a # 3 seed in any other class and region drops all the way to #6, not a slight tweaking.
Lafayette, I hear you, but think about your post. The word formula? How is it even "legal" to CREATE a formula or basically, do what they are doing. They have actually CREATED another power ranking system and simply tacked it on to the current VHSL system, and then they have assigned weight how they wanted to. There's no way that could actually be "ok" with the VHSL?

Heck, next year, in Region B, let the folks up on I-81 just design their own power rating system. No need to even use Virginia's. Or better yet, in order to be in "compliance" use the VHSL rating system, then create your own, and assign the VHSL's with a weight of 10 percent, and apply your own with a weight of 90%. See how easy this thing could spiral quickly? It's absolute NUTS!
Lafayette, I hear you, but think about your post. The word formula? How is it even "legal" to CREATE a formula or basically, do what they are doing. They have actually CREATED another power ranking system and simply tacked it on to the current VHSL system, and then they have assigned weight how they wanted to. There's no way that could actually be "ok" with the VHSL?

Heck, next year, in Region B, let the folks up on I-81 just design their own power rating system. No need to even use Virginia's. Or better yet, in order to be in "compliance" use the VHSL rating system, then create your own, and assign the VHSL's with a weight of 10 percent, and apply your own with a weight of 90%. See how easy this thing could spiral quickly? It's absolute NUTS!
I could be wrong but what I have heard on here over time is that each region by class determines their own method/process of how to get to a regional winner and then at the semi final and final the state sets the rules. The VHSL does not determine the methods used prior to the semi final , just ask each region to send them a winner. I personally have never agreed with this decentralized approach. It would appear (anyone correct me if I’m wrong) if you can get the AD’s in a region to approve a different system Its ok. I’m not sure if the vote needs to be unanimous or a simple majority.
I could be wrong but what I have heard on here over time is that each region by class determines their own method/process of how to get to a regional winner and then at the semi final and final the state sets the rules. The VHSL does not determine the methods used prior to the semi final , just ask each region to send them a winner. I personally have never agreed with this decentralized approach. It would appear (anyone correct me if I’m wrong) if you can get the AD’s in a region to approve a different system Its ok. I’m not sure if the vote needs to be unanimous or a simple majority.
If this is the case, then a team like Poquoson should leave the Bay Rivers in Football and just not play in a district. You have no chance, they could go 8-2, lose to Lafayette and York, and would likely end up with the 2nd highest power ranking in that region only to be a 4 or 5 seed. I have always heard Regions can determine who makes the playoffs how they want to, but I thought it had to be within the framework of the VHSL power rating system. That's a legit question as well on whether AD's all have to agree, etc. What I am getting at is, I always thought a Region could pick their 8 teams based on District Record or Power Rating etc, but I had no idea they could create another framework to decide. News to me.
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In another state I could guarantee you a team like Poquoson would file a lawsuit to halt the playoffs for their region and force a change . I saw many years ago in NJ where an undefeated Newark school (Barringer) was left out of the playoffs because being an inner city school no one wanted to play them they could only schedule other much smaller inner city schools leaving them well short of the needed power points. They cited unequal treatment . They won.
In another state I could guarantee you a team like Poquoson would file a lawsuit to halt the playoffs for their region and force a change . I saw many years ago in NJ where an undefeated Newark school (Barringer) was left out of the playoffs because being an inner city school no one wanted to play them they could only schedule other much smaller inner city schools leaving them well short of the needed power points. They cited unequal treatment . They won.

Poquoson, on years they go 8-2, is usually a team that is at least in the discussion for a possible state title, or making a very deep playoff run. That's usually their best, and many would say, why is 8-2 their best. Well, Lafayette, York, Smithfield, Warhill, etc, lol. Poquoson is almost always going to lose 2 games, but when they go 8-2, they are going to the 1 or 2 ranked team in the region in the VHSL power rating system because of the schedule difficulty. Well, lets say Poquoson goes 8-2 next year and King William or Nottoway went 10-0 and Poquoson is the 2nd highest power rated team. Well, add in the "winning percentage" and "regional ranking" subjective BS, and Poquoson could quickly find themselves the 5th seed and having to travel in game one. This is not a one year thing. This will happen to Poquoson or Bruton because by the formula they are using, there's no real gain for playing a 3A and 4A schedule. The advantage points received by the VHSL power rating is not just offset, but weighted heavily less, and favored by a "regional ranking" and winning percentage, where a team like Brunswick and Nottoway would and will prosper due to the weak schedule, which in this system, clearly serves as a REWARD.
Poquoson, on years they go 8-2, is usually a team that is at least in the discussion for a possible state title, or making a very deep playoff run. That's usually their best, and many would say, why is 8-2 their best. Well, Lafayette, York, Smithfield, Warhill, etc, lol. Poquoson is almost always going to lose 2 games, but when they go 8-2, they are going to the 1 or 2 ranked team in the region in the VHSL power rating system because of the schedule difficulty. Well, lets say Poquoson goes 8-2 next year and King William or Nottoway went 10-0 and Poquoson is the 2nd highest power rated team. Well, add in the "winning percentage" and "regional ranking" subjective BS, and Poquoson could quickly find themselves the 5th seed and having to travel in game one. This is not a one year thing. This will happen to Poquoson or Bruton because by the formula they are using, there's no real gain for playing a 3A and 4A schedule. The advantage points received by the VHSL power rating is not just offset, but weighted heavily less, and favored by a "regional ranking" and winning percentage, where a team like Brunswick and Nottoway would and will prosper due to the weak schedule, which in this system, clearly serves as a REWARD.
Heck, based on schedule this year, KW beat two 3A schools and a 4A and Nottoway didn't even play anyone above 2A.
I stand corrected. They did beat 3A Jamestown in week 1
Heck, based on schedule this year, KW beat two 3A schools and a 4A and Nottoway didn't even play anyone above 2A.
Oh, I know. I saw KW's schedule. Ridiculously difficult. One final thing about the Poquoson and Amelia thing that actually matters. Aside from what is right and wrong and what is obvious, a team like Amelia and Brunswick, who are clearly not within 3 td's of Poquoson, and their power rating is lower, they get to host. That They get that gate, Poquoson doesn't. So, aside from the right and wrong thing, it's almost freakin theft. They are going to pocket gate money in game one while Poquoson is going to have to cough up money for a bustrip. So, the unfairness is not just about sportsmanship and right and wrong, there is also a financial component to this that makes it even more wrong.

It's easy to say, well, under the old system, Poquoson, if the 3 seed would travel to King William in round 2 anyway and probably lose. Ok, that's true, but they would be hosting a game in round one and they would pocket that gate money, they wouldn't be traveling in game one, and undeservingly, teams like Amelia and Brunswick would not be pocketing gate money in round one that they did not earn, they would be coughing up money for a bus trip.
The region gets the gate. The home team only gets money from the concession stand.
I stand corrected. They did beat 3A Jamestown in week 1
Oh, I know. I saw KW's schedule. Ridiculously difficult. One final thing about the Poquoson and Amelia thing that actually matters. Aside from what is right and wrong and what is obvious, a team like Amelia and Brunswick, who are clearly not within 3 td's of Poquoson, and their power rating is lower, they get to host. That They get that gate, Poquoson doesn't. So, aside from the right and wrong thing, it's almost freakin theft. They are going to pocket gate money in game one while Poquoson is going to have to cough up money for a bustrip. So, the unfairness is not just about sportsmanship and right and wrong, there is also a financial component to this that makes it even more wrong.

It's easy to say, well, under the old system, Poquoson, if the 3 seed would travel to King William in round 2 anyway and probably lose. Ok, that's true, but they would be hosting a game in round one and they would pocket that gate money, they wouldn't be traveling in game one, and undeservingly, teams like Amelia and Brunswick would not be pocketing gate money in round one that they did not earn, they would be coughing up money for a bus trip.
I’m sure Poquoson and fans will enjoy the 4 hour round trip.

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