
Nov 30, 2009
Gladiators roll 49-0. It's hard to get excited about play a 16 seed team and sending them back home for a long bus ride. No disrespect to those teams, but does anyone else have a problem with playIng these type game or is VHSL out to make money?
Yes I do, this game does nothing for Giles. Starters played mid second quarter and that's it. Not a fan of it in play offs. Like u said, all about money.

shenvalleyguy posted the same thing on thread above...
This post was edited on 11/14 10:24 PM by Keith_Stone33
No 1 -9 team should make the playoffs More deserving teams around that would love a shot in the playoffs
I don't have a problem with the 16 team field, I would prefer it however if every team in the playoffs was 500 or above, but I like this format.
I agree with .500 but 2-8 or 1-9? I know that VHSL said they wanted to give players the playoff experience. What experience do they gain from a losing season and then being blown out, followed by a long bus ride home. I've played on a 1-9, 0-10 team and the last thing on my mind was playing a number one seed.
I'd be ok with a 16 team playoff when the pool of possible teams is 50 or more. However, there are only 49 teams (by my count) in 2A and 16 teams from EACH REGION qualify for the postseason. For the mathematically challenged, that's 32 out of 49 teams qualify for the playoffs. Crunch the numbers if you like, but that guarantees that teams with losing records qualify. Even worse, had just a few games gone differently this season, Martinsville could have lost to Patrick County and still had a high enough rating to make the playoffs without winning a single regular season game. That is absurd.

I'm not one to criticize a problem without offering a solution. The 16 team playoff per region was intended, supposedly, to solve the problem of deserving teams missing the playoffs. Splitting the state into two regions instead of four already does that. There's no need to double the field of qualifiers too. Limit the playoffs to 8 teams per region with the highest ratings and the problem is solved.
Re: Top 12 should be in

How about if you left it at 16 with a stipulation that you must have a 500 record or above. If you fail to be 5-5 then you are not allowed in. So you may have 16 teams or maybe only 13 teams with a limit of 12. If there is not a 15 or 16 seed eligible then 1 and 2 seeds receive a bye. Games like last night are not that fun to watch unless you are a Waynesboro Little Giant. Congrats to Waynesboro for doing the unthinkable. Not sure about other 1 vs 16 games but Bruton brought very few spectators to Greenville last night.
Re: Top 12 should be in

Your plan is much better than what we have. There are many times in other sports that highest seed has a first round bye. Totally agree that a team has to be .500 or better to make the playoffs. We need to eliminate the meaning less and embarrassing losses from those lower seed teams. I don't think another blowout loss for a team that is already 1-9 or 2-8 helps their program.
Re: Top 12 should be in

16 is fine because they are always building more schools so the number of teams in each division should increase from year to year....

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