Riverheads/Stuarts Draft Game Highlights This Week's Shenandoah Slate


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
As more and more COVID cases are being reported and more games getting canceled or postponed, I guess we will have to just hold our breath each week to see who gets to play and who doesn't. Here in the Shenandoah, for example we are entering Week Four and some teams have managed to play all three weeks so far whereas others have only one game under their belts.

But let's look ahead to this Friday night and proceed based on all the games being played. If so there will be two games featuring next door neighbors tackling each other and the other three teams have non-district games on their schedule. Here is the slate of games..........

Riverheads at Stuarts Draft: As everyone knows, these two met for the past two years in the season finale and both were unbeaten at the time. Riverheads won both of those, one in convincing fashion and the other by a field goal in overtime. This year, in order to help fill out the schedules, they will actually meet TWICE, this week at the Draft and at Riverheads in the November 5 season finale. Only the latter game will count in the district standings. As for this first meeting, Stuarts Draft has five possible factors on their side........A) home field advantage; B) a bye week to prepare for this one (an actual scheduled bye, not a postponement); C) the revenge factor from last year's game in which they held the lead for most of the game before victory slipped away from them; D) the possibility that Riverheads left it all out on the field at Lord Botetourt Friday and just might not be able to get "up" for two such big road games in a row; E) the possibility that RHS could have some nagging injuries from that game. (I know at least three prominent Gladiators limped off the field at one point or another Friday night but I have not heard if those were just cramps or actual injuries. ) So it remains to be seen if any of those factors or any combination of them are enough to snap that long winning streak that Riverheads now has. My personal take is that RHS still has too many weapons and that they will have to be the favorite in this one. As for the margin, and I realize this is not saying much, it will probably be somewhere between the margins of their last two wins in the series.

Waynesboro at Wilson: This is the only actual "district" game on the schedule this week. In fact, the Little Giants play all six of their district games first, then finish out the season with their four non-district contests. Wilson is one of the teams that has only managed one game thus far and since it was with somewhat unknown Monticello, we still may not be sure if the Hornets are the real deal or if Monticello was just that bad. Waynesboro will of course come in sky high after walloping Fort Defiance, and Mr. Barbour will again be their main workhorse, but until we know differently, I think we have to go with Wilson in this one.

Fort Defiance at Broadway: To use the term "growing pains" is an understatement but if the Fort coaching staff can keep their youngsters focused on long-term goals instead of an instant turnaround, this could be a quality team in a couple of years. This will be a name-the-score win for the home team but hopefully the Indians can still learn from it.

East Rockingham at Buffalo Gap: Again there is not as much to go on as we would normally have. The Bison are 1-1 whereas East Rock went winless last year and was shut out by Central Woodstock in its only game so far this year. Smart money would be on the Gap but an Eagle win here would not shock the world.

Staunton at Rockbridge County: This is another case in which we have precious little to go on. Staunton has put up some points against Covington and Page County, so we know they can score. On the other hand, the only RCHS game that I know of was their season-opening 14-6 struggle past Parry McCluer, which was then shut out by Riverheads the next week. So if this one gets played, going with the Storm seems like the smarter bet but again we would know more if the Wildcats had been able to play Wilson last week.

In other words, just about everybody is still in a feeling out process......
As more and more COVID cases are being reported and more games getting canceled or postponed, I guess we will have to just hold our breath each week to see who gets to play and who doesn't. Here in the Shenandoah, for example we are entering Week Four and some teams have managed to play all three weeks so far whereas others have only one game under their belts.

But let's look ahead to this Friday night and proceed based on all the games being played. If so there will be two games featuring next door neighbors tackling each other and the other three teams have non-district games on their schedule. Here is the slate of games..........

Riverheads at Stuarts Draft: As everyone knows, these two met for the past two years in the season finale and both were unbeaten at the time. Riverheads won both of those, one in convincing fashion and the other by a field goal in overtime. This year, in order to help fill out the schedules, they will actually meet TWICE, this week at the Draft and at Riverheads in the November 5 season finale. Only the latter game will count in the district standings. As for this first meeting, Stuarts Draft has five possible factors on their side........A) home field advantage; B) a bye week to prepare for this one (an actual scheduled bye, not a postponement); C) the revenge factor from last year's game in which they held the lead for most of the game before victory slipped away from them; D) the possibility that Riverheads left it all out on the field at Lord Botetourt Friday and just might not be able to get "up" for two such big road games in a row; E) the possibility that RHS could have some nagging injuries from that game. (I know at least three prominent Gladiators limped off the field at one point or another Friday night but I have not heard if those were just cramps or actual injuries. ) So it remains to be seen if any of those factors or any combination of them are enough to snap that long winning streak that Riverheads now has. My personal take is that RHS still has too many weapons and that they will have to be the favorite in this one. As for the margin, and I realize this is not saying much, it will probably be somewhere between the margins of their last two wins in the series.

Waynesboro at Wilson: This is the only actual "district" game on the schedule this week. In fact, the Little Giants play all six of their district games first, then finish out the season with their four non-district contests. Wilson is one of the teams that has only managed one game thus far and since it was with somewhat unknown Monticello, we still may not be sure if the Hornets are the real deal or if Monticello was just that bad. Waynesboro will of course come in sky high after walloping Fort Defiance, and Mr. Barbour will again be their main workhorse, but until we know differently, I think we have to go with Wilson in this one.

Fort Defiance at Broadway: To use the term "growing pains" is an understatement but if the Fort coaching staff can keep their youngsters focused on long-term goals instead of an instant turnaround, this could be a quality team in a couple of years. This will be a name-the-score win for the home team but hopefully the Indians can still learn from it.

East Rockingham at Buffalo Gap: Again there is not as much to go on as we would normally have. The Bison are 1-1 whereas East Rock went winless last year and was shut out by Central Woodstock in its only game so far this year. Smart money would be on the Gap but an Eagle win here would not shock the world.

Staunton at Rockbridge County: This is another case in which we have precious little to go on. Staunton has put up some points against Covington and Page County, so we know they can score. On the other hand, the only RCHS game that I know of was their season-opening 14-6 struggle past Parry McCluer, which was then shut out by Riverheads the next week. So if this one gets played, going with the Storm seems like the smarter bet but again we would know more if the Wildcats had been able to play Wilson last week.

In other words, just about everybody is still in a feeling out process......
As always I look forward to your weekly post.

Rockbridge lost 42-7 against Western Albemarle the last week (9/3) they played before being shut down for Covid.
If this game is one NFHS, I will tune in. Two classy programs which are very well coached. Riverheads is known for its skill and Coach which is outstanding, but it's Stuart Draft who is also one of VAs best coached teams at any level. Draft just seems to reload at this point and I don't suspect any dropoff. Also, not one bit surprised if Draft were to return to the state title game. It really speaks to how well Draft is coached. Best wishes for both programs and most important, stay healthy.
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Thanks as always to @longtimerhsfan for the preview of the 'doah this week. I will try to add my .02 which with todays economy is worth about .0002, lol.

Riverheads @ Stuarts Draft- I agree that this should be a slugfest again with both teams returning a lot of familiar faces. I will point out that Draft graduated what I felt was their best defensive player in Fromby so replacing him would be a key component. That said the coaching staff at Draft is more than capable of finding his replacement. There really is nothing new here as this group have been butting heads since Midgets. Playing twice this year you will likely see both teams play it a little close to the vest in the first one. I cant see either D shutting the other team down so I am thinking its a race to 28 for the winner.

Waynesboro @ Wilson- Wilson has plenty of weapons and have the makings of a legit contender for the top tier of the district. But not so fast, Waynesboro has a renewed spirit surrounding their team. Good turnout and a solid foundation to build on. Still yet the Hive will be abuzz and I have to believe that this will be a Hornet victory. I don't look for either team to completely stop their opponent so a mid 30's game out of the winner with the losing team putting up a respectable 20.

Fort @ Broadway- Not sure what is going on at Fort. I will sound bad for saying it but there is no way that a 3A school should struggle year in and out as much as they do. All due respect to the head coach but there has got to be athletes walking the halls that you can get to come out. Broadway is a decent team and play with a pile of heart so look for this to be a Gobbler win by a wide margin. Wish the news was better for the Indians but it will be another long season.

East Rock @ Buffalo Gap- What team shows up? ER had a pretty good pipeline of athletes so do not sleep on them playing with some fire. Gap is smaller than they normally are but have put points up in both games they have played so I have to believe they will come out with the win. As pointed out there isn't a lot to go on but Gap playing Luray tight and ER holding Central Woodstock to 21 says that the defenses should be good for both.

Staunton @ Rockbridge- Very little to go off of but I will point one thing out, there were a dozen or more RC players and coaches at the Riverhead/LB game for whatever reason. Either they are not all that worried about the Storm or they have aspirations of making a big run in the playoffs and were checking out LB. Parry McCluer isn't a horrible team but they should not have been that close to 3A Rockbridge if they intend on being in the hunt for a deep run. I will take the Storm in this one 26-13.

Not being a pessimist but do not look for all of these games to be played. Every week there have been cancellations so this week wont be any different unfortunately.

It's harder to pick in favor of Draft. Some teams love and cherish and thrive in success. Some hate success. Some do whatever it takes to avoid success. That's the difference bro

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