Riverheads Trip to Staunton Highlights Next-to-Last Week of Shenandoah Regular Season


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
If you were to turn the clock back about three weeks, there were two major topics of conversation among Shenandoah District football fans. Number One: Is unbeaten Staunton the real deal or have they just played a soft schedule? and Number Two: Riverheads finally lost a game and they are not blowing out the other teams they face, so what is "wrong" with the Gladiators? Well here we are after a few more games and it is possible that answers to both those questions have already been given or soon will be.

In the case of Staunton, their game six seemed to indicate that yes, they really WERE the real deal when they scored three times in the final five minutes to turn back Stuarts Draft, a team that is still very much in contention for the district crown. But since then, they needed a miracle to squeeze by Fort Defiance and then finally tasted defeat for the first time Friday night in a 22-17 home loss to Buffalo Gap.

Meanwhile, Riverheads still has just the Lord Botetourt loss as their only blemish but until Friday night's 49-14 romp over Fort Defiance, they had not really "pounded" anybody since the first two games of the season when they put 61 and 55 points on the board against Waynesboro and Parry McCluer. So does Friday night's Fort win mean they are "back" or did they ever really go anywhere in the first place?

All of that speculation sets the stage for Riverheads to make a trip to Gypsy Hill Park Friday night on what sounds like it will be a perfect night for football and we should have some real answers after that game. Meanwhile, Stuarts Draft, the only other district team with just one loss will host Fort Defiance, and a pair of two-loss teams, Buffalo Gap and Wilson, will meet out at the Gap.

Regardless of what happens in Staunton Friday night, the district race will still not be settled because Stuarts Draft then travels to Riverheads next week for the season finale. However that is a case of Cart Before Cougar, although it will indeed be interesting if that turns out to be the "championship game" after all, when Staunton and even Wilson were in the title picture for the entire first half of the season.

So let's analyze these three games, along with Waynesboro hosting Turner Ashby. (Notice by the way that I am failing to mention that I only went 2-2 in last week's four-game slate.)

RIVERHEADS AT STAUNTON: The Gladiators have only lost once to Staunton and that was during the (then Leemen's) march to the state final when they almost took down mighty Appomattox. In every other year, RHS has handled them easily. Since The Storm has struggled mightily these past two weeks and Riverheads was clicking on all cylinders Friday at the Fort, it certainly looks on paper as if the Gladiators should prevail. After all there was a 33-point difference in what happened at Fort Defiance on consecutive Friday nights. Having said that, teams can sometimes come out hopping mad after suffering a loss, and if Staunton does that, they most definitely have the athletes to give Riverheads trouble. I will go with the Big Red by about 2-3 scores but Staunton will put up some points. I look for a 49-28 kind of game as opposed to a 28-7.

WILSON AT BUFFALO GAP: Seems like we have had a toss-up game every week and this week this has to be it. Neither team has a shot to capture the regular season title, but they are each very much in the mix for playoff action. So this one will be crucial. Having seen both when they came to Riverheads, I was impressed with Gap's defense, but yet they only managed to score once on the Big Red. Wilson on the other hand scored three times in Greenville and displayed a potent passing game, but they failed to stop anything Riverheads did. Just on a hunch, I will go with the Bison by something like 34-28, but if they come out of the locker room thinking they are still playing Staunton, they just might get "stung" by the Hornets.

FORT DEFIANCE AT STUARTS DRAFT: The Indians are still a young team but the improvement has been there and they will not be able to sneak up on anybody for the foreseeable future. The Cougars were destroyed at then powerful Luray early in the season, in addition to their loss to Staunton, so they too need a win to solidify their playoff standing. Fort may keep it close for a while but look for a Cougar victory somewhere in the 35-7 range, which will make SD's trip to Greenville next week pretty interesting, as we have known all along that it would be.

TURNER ASHBY AT WAYNESBORO: This one is not meaningful in terms of the 'Doah so let's just state the obvious. Waynesboro had high hopes this year but just didn't put the pieces together. They will fight to the end but TA should take this one easily.
My take on this week in the ‘doah.

Staunton hosting Riverheads- the Storm will pass and pass some more. Can they stop the run enough to stay in the game? Riverheads will run and run some more. Can they stop the pass? Diametrically opposing offenses with defenses that have shown some problems stopping what the other guy does. Should be interesting for a while but one or the other will impose their will. I am guessing it will be the Gladiators by a comfortable margin late.

Gap showed that they could hold up to a decent passing attack last week, which Wilson also has. The Hornets also have a decent rushing attack when they decide to run. The Bison are a slight favorite but I think this one will be tight all the way. Look for a special teams play to decide this deep in the fourth.

Draft and Fort should be interesting especially if it turns into a all out passing game for both. This one could be a shootout but I look for Draft to play enough defense to turn back the Indians.

Waynesboro and TA is an opportunity for the Giants to right some wrong for the year. Line play has killed Waynesboro all season and that likely continues. TA big
Staunton held Gap to one rushing touchdown and surprisingly the difference in the game were the two Gap passing TD's, which were thrown beautifully into some tight coverage. Staunton's offense, which was once clicking is now sputtering and will need more than 2 touchdowns to win. Riverheads was perceived to have been sputtering at the start to the season, but now they are clicking. A few weeks ago this seemed like a great game, but now I see it as a 38-24 game with Riverheads spoiling Senior Night a week after Gap spoiled Homecoming for the Storm.

Gap did enough to win at Staunton and Wilson just went through the Draft/Riverheads back to back portion of their schedule, which Gap did two weeks earlier and then got a win. So will Gap win 2 in a row or will Wilson get back to winning. This is one of those my brain tells me one thing and my gut another. The brain say Wilson, but the gut says Gap. Either way 22-20 and either way, it sets up a showdown next week between Staunton and Wilson that will very much play into playoff seedings.

I think Draft and Fort will be very close with Fort giving them everything they have left and a little more, but still coming up short 28-21.

Don't know a ton about TA. Their schedule kinda resembles Staunton's in lack of quality opponents. Waynesboro has been a big disappointment this season and I think they lost their fight and looking towards basketball. TA is looking to move up the playoff standings...TA 35-14.

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