

VaPreps Rookie
Jun 25, 2021
To all the Seniors playing this weekend. You have made it to the final 8 in the state and that is awesome in its self. Enjoy the practices and the time with your brothers on the team and cherish it. It can be over in the blink of an eye. Play hard, give it your all and have no regrets at the end. There are winners in the game that will move on. Just remember no matter the outcome of the game you seniors have been role models to some youngster in the youth league program somewhere that look up to you. Thank you for all the hard work that you all have put in and gave us football fans something to watch and enjoy. Enjoy the moment to be playing in the region final for a chance at a state semi final game. It will be hard to take that uniform off if the outcome is not what you wanted and there will be tears. As long as you gave it your all for your teammates and left it on the field there will be nothing to hang your head about. Good Luck to all the teams in the regional finals this weekend.

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