All-Shenandoah District Girls
First Team: @EastRockGirlsBB's Ali Berry and Naomi Gibson, @PageCountyHS' Lauren Williams, Riverheads' Sara Moore, @LurayHighSchool's Emilee Weakley, @SDHSGIRLSHOOPS' McKinley Fitzgerald, @SJHS_Sports' Kylene Franklin and @BGHSgbball's Amaya Lucas.
...@EastRockGirlsBB senior guard Ali Berry has been named the Shenandoah District's girls basketball Player of the Year. @PageCountyHS coach E.J. Wyant is the district's coach of the year.
First Team: @EastRockGirlsBB's Ali Berry and Naomi Gibson, @PageCountyHS' Lauren Williams, Riverheads' Sara Moore, @LurayHighSchool's Emilee Weakley, @SDHSGIRLSHOOPS' McKinley Fitzgerald, @SJHS_Sports' Kylene Franklin and @BGHSgbball's Amaya Lucas.
...@EastRockGirlsBB senior guard Ali Berry has been named the Shenandoah District's girls basketball Player of the Year. @PageCountyHS coach E.J. Wyant is the district's coach of the year.