Shenandoah District Tournament Question

Oct 27, 2017
How are they determining seeding for the regional tournament? (I apologize if this has already been covered on the board)

I know it's 1st Shen-4th Bull and so on, but...

Do the losers of the semi-final games of the district tournament play for the 3rd and 4th place district slots? Or is the higher "ranked" team automatically given 3rd and the lower ranked team given 4th?

Follow me?
I feel your pain because it is soooo hard to follow things these days when there can be cases where teams in the same district can then go off to as many as three different classifications once they get to the regionals.

However, in this case, I guess the remaining four teams are all on the same level, Group Two. So therefore I am sure someone on here will be able to help you.

I was hoping this year that we would again have the supersite deal going on, so that there would be chances to go and see two or three good games if you wanted to, even if they didn't involve your own team. But I guess that is not going to happen either.

Good luck with your question. Someone will know I am sure.

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