David, how can you expect to get an experienced, winning Head Coach with a $3000 Coaching stipend? Other schools find ways to be financially creative with "consultant" or "community relations" positions. Tim's not going to be a Security Guard or drive a bus. Regardless, I don't think the Spotsy High Administration has the influence in the County to make all this happen, especially when Tim is well payed in a very cooch job where he has the respect of the entire school and another State Championship under his belt.
IMO, this is pie in the sky day dreaming, though there is a certain part of me that can see where this would be intriguing for him. This isn't happening. They won't get past the $3000 stipend for anyone else so rule out any proven winners with experience. Spotsy will get who they can and that likely means someone untested.
Wish it were not so but that's how I see it. Hall was untested when he came. So were Oliver and even Serbay. Just gotta' hope for the best. GL.