Spotsylvania HS Officially Opens Up Football Job.......

Dec 16, 2014

I am surprised that the Principal, AD & former HC have not responded to the voicemails. I think the public would like to know!
been preaching for two years how dysfunctional the administration is out there. the local newspaper and 2 different reporters for the paper left messages for the principal ad and coach to comment on the resignation of the coach and they tried three weeks to contact them with no response. none of the three would return their calls. the paper had to get the story from someone at the school board to do a write up in the paper. just par for course for the administration out there. if they aren't replaced along with the coach you may not see any improvement in the football program out there i'm sad to say!

You seem to know the pulse down there. You have any idea who would put in for it? Or what they need to get moving in the right direction?
washed my hands 5 years ago when I was in the boosters and asked the principal if he wanted me to help him get some qualified veteran coaches apply. that I did as we had over 30 people apply some were excellent veteran coaches with playoff experience and he never interview a single person. I hope this time the school board will make sure he interviews applicants as last time they really paid little attention on what he did as he sent the ex coach who was inexperienced and friends with the principal to the school board for the final say and they approved him. this time i'm told the board will have more input. the principal is bull headed and if he would swallow his pride I would love to help him again as that is my alma mater and I wan't the boys from post oak to be the pride of Virginia as it used to be in the 80's and 90's. heard a couple of names and one is too good to be true. the rumor around is Tim Coleman would like it back but he makes too much money at Fredericksburg Christian and spotsy can't come close to the money. I don't believe it but if so what a great choice! aso he couldn't teach at spotsy because it would mess up his retirement. he could be a security guard etc but I doubt he would want to do that. got my fingers crossed that this time they will hire a veteran experienced coach that has built programs before. if they hire a green coach like the last two it will be the same as it has been the last 12 years. if you do the same old thing all the time you will get the same old results every time. stand by as I get any news I will post it!
Coaches like Mance, Turner and others didn't apply for job. If Montgomery County doesn't do something with the coaching pay they are going to lose what they have. It would have been a lateral move money wise for Coach Turner, what is the selling point. Rumor has it only 3 head coaches applied for the job. What about Coach. Phibbs he has been at Blacksburg for a long time, I have heard Coach Turner speak highly of him and how would be the best choice.

This post was edited on 1/18 10:46 AM by Cougar Ed
More than 3 applied. I won't comment yet, but I will say this much, 3 former or present asst. coaches applied and didn't even get an interview. wouldn't shock me if they hired someone from Gillies * that's not Giles its the tofu restaurant downtown.............
This post was edited on 1/19 8:50 AM by 1bburgfan
heard this weekend a former spotsy head coach and one already on the staff has applied for the job as they have opened it up first for the county school applicants before they search out of the county.i have been following HS football since the 60's and imo no one on the current staff is qualified for what spotsy needs a veteran coach that has built a program before. this program has been down for so long the kids out there don't want to play football as they have lost so much the interest is rock bottom.
if they will hire a veteran coach with a winning resume with records of playoffs etc it will get those kids out there enthused about football and the program once again. there are good athletes out there but don't want to work all summer in the weight room etc. knowing they will get their brains beat out when the season starts. the athletes are in the halls not playing. since coleman left in 2002 you have to realize we haven't beat a good team. we have only beat over those years teams with either 0 wins or 1 2 0r 3 wins. the good teams we played totally dominated us as we wasn't even competitive for all these years.
in my opinion it will be a very risky move to have another novice young head coach with no head coaching experience to try and rebuild this program. if one is hired it will be blind luck if they are successful as that is what was hired after Tim Coleman. this is a good opportunity for this administration to hire someone to build this program to what it use to be one of the best in the state. I hope they will do so!
Have heard if Coleman doesn't take the job they are going to hire from within the staff. Cannot imagine that is going to make the parents and boosters happy based on what has been said on them.
that would be a big mistake. no experience on the staff especially head coaching experience. they can't afford to hire inexperienced coaches like the last two. anyone on that staff would not get the kids enthused about football in a dead football program now. the only answer will be a head coach that has built programs before. you are correct the parents will probably run the administration out of town with the hiring of anyone on that staff.
Heard Coleman is a legend in those parts, I'm sure many are crossing their fingers...
I have talked to tim a couple times and all you can get out of him you never know! but if you look realistically at it unless tim want's to do nothing but coach football I would say if the principal want's him the school board will hire him. the problem is if he wants to continue working he makes such good money at fcs no way the spotsy school system can pay him that kind of money with a 3 thousand dollar coaching stipend. i'm not revealing it as he told me what he makes but they pay him well! I think that was one of the hold ups when the Louisa job came open. he can't go back and teach in public schools as it will mess up his Virginia teachers retirement. he has told me so. he could do like some coaches do go and be a security guard or other job at schools but they pay a fraction of the money he makes at fcs teaching three weight lifting classes.
one thing that could happen that some schools do is the boosters cubs could make up the difference but that one out there has very little money and couldn't do it. when I was out there we had the money to do it but it would have run us thin and the principal would have approved of it along with a club vote. this is done a lot of times when the school wants a legendary coach like coleman at all costs. believe me if they would do this I would get the great people that worked in the boosters back in the club and work night and day to get him back. I remember the good old days when he coached our kids and we were the class of high school football state wide. back then at all the games around the state the word was how good spotsy and coleman was being the team to beat to be state champions. what I wouldn't do to see coleman back coaching the boys from post oak again.
This post was edited on 1/22 4:02 PM by skynard1
Why doesn't Spotsy make a run at Lunsford? He has been Coleman's OC at FCS and i'm pretty sure he played at SHS too, seems like the next best thing to bringing Coleman back.
he did play there but imo he would be like the last two coaches with no head experience. this program can't stand to wait for a inexperienced coach to cut his teeth. unless a novice head coach is left with great talented team they usually have to take their lumps a few years before they get their feet on the ground. that's why imo to get the school and team fired up for football they must hire a veteran that has built programs and has playoff experience. one that recognizes talent and can boast to the team and the non playing talent walking the halls that he has been their and done that and he will do it again. I think this type of coach can get the kids enthused again and get the non players out for football. please no novice head coaches as there is no talent out there to support that!
Seems crazy that the current Principal & one of the APs both list football coaching in their online bios, but they can't manage to hire a successful football HC.
David, how can you expect to get an experienced, winning Head Coach with a $3000 Coaching stipend? Other schools find ways to be financially creative with "consultant" or "community relations" positions. Tim's not going to be a Security Guard or drive a bus. Regardless, I don't think the Spotsy High Administration has the influence in the County to make all this happen, especially when Tim is well payed in a very cooch job where he has the respect of the entire school and another State Championship under his belt.

IMO, this is pie in the sky day dreaming, though there is a certain part of me that can see where this would be intriguing for him. This isn't happening. They won't get past the $3000 stipend for anyone else so rule out any proven winners with experience. Spotsy will get who they can and that likely means someone untested.

Wish it were not so but that's how I see it. Hall was untested when he came. So were Oliver and even Serbay. Just gotta' hope for the best. GL.
didn't mean a experienced coach only getting a stipend. I mean one that will teach either at spotsy or in the Spotsylvania school system.i only was referring about tim coleman only getting a stipend because he can't teach in Virginia public school systems as it would mess up his retirement! but he could be a security guard etc and that wouldn't mess up his retirement.
I agree with you 100% that's its going to be hard to get a qualified experienced coach with only stipend unless they are a teacher or maybe like bill brown of forge retire from teaching and take a non teaching job in the school system.
as for coleman returning at spotsy I have always thought that was a long shot but rumors down here that he has been talking to the administration but they are not close in money. I don't know if thats true but I have a couple sources close to the people involved that say so. hope it won't be long as the kids need to get familiar with the new coaches system and get involved in the passing leagues etc. they are in the weight room now with some assistant coaches in charge that may be replaced by the new coach.
I will go out on a limb and if I had anything to do with it and I don't I would go after one of the coaches I called to get to apply last time. JEREMY JACK the asst. at king George.when I talked to him about applying 5 years ago he was really enthused about the job. JACK was the o coordinator at KG and is a whiz of the single wing that spotsy has run the past few years. he was head coach at colonial beach and won with few players with little talent, imo just what spotsy needs to build a program young energetic and as spotsy has little talent he did a great job with a team like that at the beach.i don't know his situation at KG but he told me back then his asst. coaches lived in Fredericksburg and they would have a shorter drive to spotsy than the beach. like I said I have nothing to do with it but he would be my first choice! at any rate for the kids sake I hope they hire someone like this. the kids out there deserve better than what they have had out there the past 12 years.
Sounds like they are going to do the interviews next week and hope to have a hire made. Waiting to hear some of the names but I do know 1 for sure was a coach on staff last year.
Just because I know them, the Line Coach at Courtland (Hodges) and JC Hall's brother (currently at Louisa) would be very good.
don't know about hodges but breck was asked about it and his reply was no no no no no!
Heard all the interviews have happened and a hire should be made by the next school board meeting. Won't name all the candidates who interviewed, but unless they plan on interviewing more early this week... going to be some unhappy knights.
I have heard it will be an inside the building hire......wonder why it wasn't opened up or if any outside the building people applied?
no one was more disappointed than me as I spoke with the principal with a long discussion over the week end. first time I have spoke to him since I left the booster club 6 years ago! he told me the same thing he told me 6 years ago on hiring the new coach. he said his hands are tied as they are on a hiring freeze. he claimed he can't move teachers around to be able to hire a outside the county coach. that means it will be someone on the current staff and I know who it is but I can't give names. this coach has no head coaching experience but I feel we need to support him but I am real disappointed that they didn't hire a experienced head coach that has built a program before. maybe it will be blind luck and this new coach will be successful and bring spotsy back from these past losing seasons. what ticks me off is why these Stafford schools hire hall of fame coaches and they don't seem to have their hands tied and they go out and get who they want. why every time we try and hire a football coach a hiring freeze gets in the way of us getting a quality coach!
he also informed me that tim coleman wanted the job but he wouldn't take it because all they could pay him was the 3 thousand dollar coaching stipend. I asked him if the boosters could pay him and make up the difference that he was making at fcs as I was going to get the old crew we had in the boosters back to try and get the money together. he said you can't do that anymore like they used too as it was illegal. would do anything to get tim back but once again a obstacle gets in the way like always!
so once again disappointment for knight nation. we have no choice but support this guy and at least give him a chance. all coaches no matter if they are hall of fame coaches started like this guy so I hope and pray he will be the answer to a suffering program that used to be one of the best in the state.
You went the extra mile David and thanks for trying. I truly wish I had been wrong on this one.

GL to the Knights. Hope they get a diamond in the rough.
Skynard, He is tied to county hires, but he didn't interview anyone outside of the school. I know of at least 2 coaches in county that applied for the job but didn't get interviewed FWIW. If who I think is hired, it seems like this deal has been done for a while now.
well you know the principal is in his right to send who he wants to the school board for approval. that is his job. not to let the cat out the bag but he brought the last coach back to spotsy from riverbend to make him the head coach imo! looks like probably the same thing happened again. he certainly has the right to do that. I feel we need to support this guy and give him a chance but I hope the principal doesn't do the same thing this time as he did with the last coach. let him stay on and wear out his welcome as the program never showed any progress year after year.if after 3 years their is no improvement replace him. even a novice head coach shouldn't be given more than 3 years if you see no improvement in the program. I don't know how much more losing this program can stand. that is why I feel that a veteran playoff and program builder coach should have been hired rather than another non experienced one to cut his teeth. how can those kids get enthused hiring a person from the current staff that continues losing? I guess only time will tell!

Anymore news on what name has been sent to the school board to approve? I hear it will come out on Tuesday, but, no one is sure who they have chosen........?
It's one of members on the current staff. can't give any name but he has no head coaching experience!
no none at all on the high school level! played on a state championship team and under good coaches! Tim coleman is going to help him set up the wing t on offense.
This post was edited on 2/8 6:57 PM by skynard1
Well there is the give away.... won't drop his name out of respect. Do you know if the other staff member who applied will stay on as OC if Timmy is helping him install the Wing T?
tim is just going to set up the offense for him! I don't know if he will keep any the old staff but they are working to get myran Matthias to be one of the coordinators but I doubt seriously he will leave courtland with that good nucleous the cougars return this year. myran still teaches at spotsy and it will be great to add some experience to a staff that has a novice head coach! I look for it to be announced tonight after the school board meeting so stand by!
Here we go, you mean the new coach is gonna run a offense that he does not know? Is Tim going to call the plays? Are you kidding me, Tim has his hands full at FCS, he does not have the time to deal with this crap!!