It is way past time for Chad Lewis to step down or be removed but not because of this. Stafford AD - you need to compare your program to your county rivals and Commonwealth District rivals - every single one of them is superior to the SHS program - just look at the head coaches at each of those rivals. I am sorry but 9 years and about a .350 winning percent and a likely 3rd straight 1-9 season is enough.
If the story is accurate, stafford admin should be ashamed.
I get your opinion, but this thread is about something else.
Stafford County is officially declaring war on any physical punishment for sports/activities. No more laps if you're late. No more push-ups if you're goofing off. It's insanity. The assistant coach & head coach acted perfectly responsibly & were absolved of guilt by both police & CPS. This insanity is coming from an angry mom in the central office & her connections. Don't be surprised to see Stafford County have a mass exodus of sports coaches, band directors & other activity sponsors as a result of this precedent.
Yeah, I checked around on this with several people up in the area figuring that there was more to the story that was hidden from the papers but, to a person, everyone corroborated the story.
Things might be messy in Stafford for a while after this.
Glad to see him gain support, & from unlikely places.
That's crazy! What kind of sissy-wimps are running that county? I bet their cross country coaches get fired for making the kids run.