Staunton Storm


VaPreps Hall of Famer
Sep 27, 2002
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I read the article and wow, how smug this Ken Venereal is.. “this isn’t about us”. The hell it isn’t. It’s ALL about you board members. Why didn’t you allow the students to vote on whether the name change should happen or not??? Oh, that’s right, he and the other members KNEW the students would not vote in favor of changing the name of the school.

They learned a valuable lesson from a school that’s sits less than 2 miles from where I live. For over 50 years, J.E.B. Stuart high held down minority students and kept them from graduating high school. In droves these poor minorities jumped off the Wilson Bridge because of this horrible, oppressive school name. So finally, the heroic SJW’s showed up and decided the NAME MUST GO. So they thought they’d have a slam dunk to brag about when they allowed the students (majority Hispanic) to vote on the name change…lo and behold the students voted to keep the name. "Stupid students" the SJW school board thought, we’ll let the parents vote on changing the name instead… parents voted to keep the name as well. “Stupid, racist parents” thought the school board, “we’ll vote on the name change ourselves”… and this time the school board changed the name. “Sweeping Victory” proclaimed local leftist rag the Washington Post.

So then came time to name the school. The students came up with two excellent ideas, one was to name it Lake Barcroft. “NO” said the SJW school board. Louis G. Mendez was the other name the students came up with. I suggest you look him up, a WWII hero who was Hispanic. Would have been a perfect name. “NO!!!” Said the schoolboard. “Hispanics sit three rungs below blacks on the totem pole of victimhood” said the schoolboard. So what did they come up with instead?? “Justice”.... Justice for whom exactly??? “Justice for Treyvon and Big Mike” of course. VOMIT. What a freaking waste of taxpayer money.
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I read the article and wow, how smug this Ken Venereal is.. “this isn’t about us”. The hell it isn’t. It’s ALL about you board members. Why didn’t you allow the students to vote on whether the name change should happen or not??? Oh, that’s right, he and the other members KNEW the students would not vote in favor of changing the name of the school.

They learned a valuable lesson from a school that’s sits less than 2 miles from where I live. For over 50 years, J.E.B. Stuart high held down minority students and kept them from graduating high school. In droves these poor minorities jumped off the Wilson Bridge because of this horrible, oppressive school name. So finally, the heroic SJW’s showed up and decided the NAME MUST GO. So they thought they’d have a slam dunk to brag about when they allowed the students (majority Hispanic) to vote on the name change…lo and behold the students voted to keep the name. "Stupid students" the SJW school board thought, we’ll let the parents vote on changing the name instead… parents voted to keep the name as well. “Stupid, racist parents” thought the school board, “we’ll vote on the name change ourselves”… and this time the school board changed the name. “Sweeping Victory” proclaimed local leftist rag the Washington Post.

So then came time to name the school. The students came up with two excellent ideas, one was to name it Lake Barcroft. “NO” said the SJW school board. Louis G. Mendez was the other name the students came up with. I suggest you look him up, a WWII hero who was Hispanic. Would have been a perfect name. “NO!!!” Said the schoolboard. “Hispanics sit three rungs below blacks on the totem pole of victimhood” said the schoolboard. So what did they come up with instead?? “Justice”.... Justice for whom exactly??? “Justice for Treyvon and Big Mike” of course. VOMIT. What a freaking waste of taxpayer money.
Um...rage much? Anyway, I'm happy about the name Staunton High. The mascot blows though. I've gotten quite used to yelling "Let's Go Lee!" It rolls off the tongue like a mountain spring. Storm hits the ear wrong. I'm really anxious to see how the cheerleaders handle it.
Um...rage much? Anyway, I'm happy about the name Staunton High. The mascot blows though. I've gotten quite used to yelling "Let's Go Lee!" It rolls off the tongue like a mountain spring. Storm hits the ear wrong. I'm really anxious to see how the cheerleaders handle it.

Not rage, just facts.

I'm one who felt it should have always been Staunton, just as Lee High in Springfield should have always been Springfield High. But I also dont see the point in wasting taxpayer money on a name change. And I certainly dont like names being changed to honor justified shootings like the two cases that spearheaded the name change at J.E.B. Stuart. Want to name it after a Person of color? Thats great, and there are hundreds of wartime heroes of all colors that schools should be named after. Eugene Ashley High in Wilmington, NC comes to mind. An excellent choice for a Man deserving to be honored. Along with Louis Mendez I suggest any students that are reading this to look up Eugene Ashley, you'll never get to read about either person in schools these days sadly.

And yea the name "Storm" sucks and is as PC as it gets.
I don't think Lee High in Lee County will ever change. And thank God for that.

edit: Well I posted this and then I remembered there had been talks of Lee possibly breaking up back into two schools (Pennington and Jonesville).
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