So all all post season I've seen nothing but Sussex wont be good enough to do this against this team or do that against that team. Ive heard about how weak the east is and how Sussex is the weakest of the four teams left. The community asked me this week not to say anything to any poster who not only picked against this team but who also chose to be disrespectful in their tone when picking against this team. GW was supposed to be too big and too deep...we were supposed to be destroyed by the great ones from GW. The arrogance was ridiculous and we ate it. Those kids read it and it really made them hungry...every thread...every comment...every prediction...and it made them hungry. Said Sussex was nothing but a bunch of loud mouths and so I made sure to keep quiet while others disrespected my community except in the case of when it got out of hand. I kept quiet. Said we didnt deserve to be #1 bc we didnt play anybody. But the strength in this community is amazing. A community devastated by the tornadoes earlier this year where we lost people in our community including children. Kids who have dealt with real life tragedies. Malik Delk a senior QB who lost his mom at a young age. Other kids who have had difficult situations happen to them in life. Kids who have grown up with awful circumstances. Those kids fought today bc they read those posts saying that they werent good enough and now people see the toughness down there in our community. GW was as big as advertised but I think they underestimated the heart in Sussex and now we are preparing to play for a title.
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