The Worst Job in High School Football


VaPreps Varsity
Aug 20, 2010
Now that I got your attention with the title of this thread, the worst job in high school football is being a VHSL Official. Yes folks, the ole Zebra', the ole refs, the ole guy that can't see, the ole guy that being paid to much. That is who I am talking about. Let's just take a moment, and reflect some on these ole guys. Who are they?
Where did they come from? One thing for sure, a football game can not be played without them ole guys on the field. I'll just call them the refs. I worked with several refs for many years. Refs usually work with their crews of officials of 4-5.i.e. umpire, referee, lineman, back judge, and time keeper. Most of the time are from the same area, and travel together. They are certified by the VHSL. They are assigned a game by the head of officials from the VHSL. Each year, the refs are schooled on new rules, and rules changes by the VHSL. As for pay, well it is not much. Several years back, it was about $ 50 bucks a game, and is probably not much more today. If there is a ref or AD reading this, please feel free to tell us. Each school pays the officials. It comes out of the gate receipts from each game. The refs are good people, that have a love for the game of football. Some refs do football and basketball. I ask which one was the favorite, and most chose football because in basketball, the crowd is right upon you, and you can hear all the crowd noise, and those insults from the fans. In football, you are away from the crowd, and hear only the noise as boos or a loud racket in the background.
Most of the refs played the sport either in high school or college, or both. The guys take their jobs very seriously. They love the game, just like you and me. They are part of the game, and do their jobs to the best of their ability. Now, lets talk about the bad calls, the missed calls, the flag happy ref, the ref that is blind, the ref that is being paid too much. Yeh, those guys, the one in the black and white usually. Yes we all have seen the bad call, or the missed call. We all have seen the call that penalized the team for holding, and cost our team a TD. Well, 9 times out of 10, the calls was right. But, these refs are human, and they do make mistakes, and sometimes the call is a bad call. A call that could be called on every play, i.e. Holding.
As a fan, we hate to see the game itself, takinn' over by the refs. Flags on just about every play. My goodness, what a mess and miserable time it is for everyone.
I going to suggest something. The next game you are at, take just a few minutes and go by where the refs are warming up, and say a few kind words...i.e. Hello, ref, have a good game, good to see you, say something positive to the guy. He has a very important role to play. I think the refs will appreciate the words of friendship, and realize we are thankful of his work. My take on officiating is what it is, nothing more than my opinion, not to minimize or maximize their roles of the game. Hey, we are just fans of the game, nothing more, nothing less My Friends !
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This is funny because I was just planning a very similar post. Nobody wants to make a bad call but it happens, it's easy to sit in the stands an make the calls it's a different story when your on the field. Thanks Chilwar25 for an excellent post.
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Basketball fans truly are the worst..... I sit in the stands and hear them yell about rules and I think to myself I'm glad they don't have a whistle.
I can honestly say I would not want the job. It amazes me that they can find people to do it each year. They have to put up with the yelling plus drive hours to games all over the state. Not to mention I am sure there is some sort of training they must attend. All that and more for 50 or 60 bucks no Thank You. Same can be said for the coaching staff in high school sports. A lot of these coaches are in the weight room with these guys at 5 and 6 a.m. plus after school. Watching game film practice after school. I mean come on how many of us devote so much for so little gain? This is all done because of a love for the sports the kids and there respective schools. Nothing more nothing less.
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If you don't like the refs calls and are afraid their calls may decide the outcome , simply put enough points on the scoreboard so it won't matter. Alta vs Rapp this year is the worst home cookin I have ever seen. Outcome was the same , but in a close game this would have been ugly ! Refs did not know the rules .
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If you don't like the refs calls and are afraid their calls may decide the outcome , simply put enough points on the scoreboard so it won't matter. Alta vs Rapp this year is the worst home cookin I have ever seen. Outcome was the same , but in a close game this would have been ugly ! Refs did not know the rules .

I said somewhat the same thing on another message board but was called an idiot. People and players don't realize that teams leave plays on the field also. Just as bad calls are made. If that one pass wasn't dropped what would have happend? Would that drive have ended in a td that would have offset the call the refs had made? Teams need to take care of their business and get off the refs back!
Now that I got your attention with the title of this thread, the worst job in high school football is being a VHSL Official. Yes folks, the ole Zebra', the ole refs, the ole guy that can't see, the ole guy that being paid to much. That is who I am talking about. Let's just take a moment, and reflect some on these ole guys. Who are they?
Where did they come from? One thing for sure, a football game can not be played without them ole guys on the field. I'll just call them the refs. I worked with several refs for many years. Refs usually work with their crews of officials of 4-5.i.e. umpire, referee, lineman, back judge, and time keeper. Most of the time are from the same area, and travel together. They are certified by the VHSL. They are assigned a game by the head of officials from the VHSL. Each year, the refs are schooled on new rules, and rules changes by the VHSL. As for pay, well it is not much. Several years back, it was about $ 50 bucks a game, and is probably not much more today. If there is a ref or AD reading this, please feel free to tell us. Each school pays the officials. It comes out of the gate receipts from each game. The refs are good people, that have a love for the game of football. Some refs do football and basketball. I ask which one was the favorite, and most chose football because in basketball, the crowd is right upon you, and you can hear all the crowd noise, and those insults from the fans. In football, you are away from the crowd, and hear only the noise as boos or a loud racket in the background.
Most of the refs played the sport either in high school or college, or both. The guys take their jobs very seriously. They love the game, just like you and me. They are part of the game, and do their jobs to the best of their ability. Now, lets talk about the bad calls, the missed calls, the flag happy ref, the ref that is blind, the ref that is being paid too much. Yeh, those guys, the one in the black and white usually. Yes we all have seen the bad call, or the missed call. We all have seen the call that penalized the team for holding, and cost our team a TD. Well, 9 times out of 10, the calls was right. But, these refs are human, and they do make mistakes, and sometimes the call is a bad call. A call that could be called on every play, i.e. Holding.
As a fan, we hate to see the game itself, takinn' over by the refs. Flags on just about every play. My goodness, what a mess and miserable time it is for everyone.
I going to suggest something. The next game you are at, take just a few minutes and go by where the refs are warming up, and say a few kind words...i.e. Hello, ref, have a good game, good to see you, say something positive to the guy. He has a very important role to play. I think the refs will appreciate the words of friendship, and realize we are thankful of his work. My take on officiating is what it is, nothing more than my opinion, not to minimize or maximize their roles of the game. Hey, we are just fans of the game, nothing more, nothing less My Friends !
Thanks I enjoyed reading this. I actually know 3 refs that coach in this area and have had some interesting conversations about fans. Coaches sometimes can be a problem as well

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