
I can't speak for Pulaski specifically, not knowing the full story, but there is a school about an hour and a half east of them that is going through the same thing. There has been a steady decline in enrollment for years and they are no longer competitive in their own district, playing schools that are 2-3 times their size. They have tried switching into a neighboring district but were unsuccessful. The VHSL basically said the neighboring district would have to vote them in in order for the change to be made but that didn't happen. Administrators and Athletic Directors may be hesitant to change districts due to longer travel times but I guarantee you every player and coach would be willing to travel a little farther for a better chance to be competitive against the teams they play.
I guarantee you if PC moves they will win more games. Probably a lot more games. But nothing else is going to change where it matters in the POs. Also not really sure you're going to be hoisting as many Three Rivers titles as you think with Radford and Glenvar around and doing well currently.

I don't think this is as bad if it doesn't coincide with the rise of PH and Cburg. PC's been pretty good handling a hapless (C4) Blacksburg and CS, although the scores are maybe sometimes not what you'd want, but PH and especially Cburg I feel like are flies in the ointment. It's one thing to finish runner-up and another to be fighting CS for 4th.

But that's all for Pulaski residents to decide, I suppose. Tell you what though, if they killed the Salem rivalry like this guy suggests I'd lose all respect for that program and fanbase. Had no problem when they won 8 of the first 9, had no problem going 8-3 against Salem from '93 to '02, had no problem running around for years proclaiming they were the only team in the area with a (longstanding) winning record against Salem but because things went wobbly in recent years people want to pack it up, take their ball, and go home? Would hope that's a minority opinion amongst PC fans.
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The VHSL should show some leadership and arrange districts by enrollment where everyone plays everyone else in their district. I usually do an exercise every two years where I do this. It is possible to do and doesn't take very long as well.

And with the points system going away (thank goodness) due to 117 year-old Edna retiring, here's a chance for the VHSL to do something much simpler and much more easy to follow.