Tonight's Refs Drove Us Crazy!


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
I am not usually one to complain about officials because I know how hard their job can be. And fortunately they did not directly affect the outcome of our game tonight (Riverheads/Stuarts Draft.) However they did do something about four different times that had the fans on our side at least scratching their heads.

There were four occasions in which the yardage gained was close enough to warrant a measurement. But in all four cases that I distinctly remember, they PICKED UP the stupid ball and walked it laterally across the field after the play ended, sometimes as far as 10 yards or more, and then put it down before measuring!!!

The whole purpose of a measurement is to determine, as scientifically as possible, whether or not the team has gained the necessary 10 yards. But if you are going to pick up the ball and carry it around before you measure, then how can your measurement be trusted? Surely they should leave the ball where the play ended, and measure at that point, right?

Comments? Does this happen in other games? It is certainly not the first time I have ever seen it around here, but I don't think I have seen it happen so many times in one game.
That's how they keep the game close ! Funny how the ball is short buy inches most of the time in favor of the underdog !
Spotting the ball in general is problematic. Moving the ball to the hash mark before a measurement is ridiculous especially when the ball was within 4ft of the chains. I really liked the official turning and asking if we wanted to stay at the game when the "fence crew" questioned a call. No cursing was involved so it was unusual to get a reaction. Then we were called for 3 holding calls and the chop block shortly after. Different official made those calls but as in other sports, officials are a "team" in and of themselves on game day and back each other up. I generally believe these guys do the very best they can but at times it can be frustrating.
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Essex v Rapp was the same, game lasted till 10:15 due to penalties. BS calls and some picked up totally. Only going to get tighter from here on
Officiating 101...You don't move the ball before a measurement is taken at all after placing it down in the field of play nearest to the ending of the play possible. If you walk it across the field before measuring then why bother measuring What gets me more even more upset than moving the ball is when the official looks across at the sticks before placing the ball. I see that all the time! That needs to stop and needs to addressed in training. There is no need to look at the sticks until after the ball has been placed. Even if it is innocent and just a bad habit, it looks bad..very very bad.
99% of holding calls are questionable. Saw one last night in which ref was was 20 yards off ball yet called a hold on a run up middle that went for no gain.
99% of holding calls are questionable. Saw one last night in which ref was was 20 yards off ball yet called a hold on a run up middle that went for no gain.
Most holding calls are called very arbitrary and inconsistent....If you grab a fist full of jersey up high you'll probably be called for a hold...BUT if you go low and grab/hold inside a leg the officials rarely call it...probably don't even see it. Some teams have obviously made it part of their offensive scheme but I don't blame them if they don't call it....why not?.

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