
I could see PM beating Hurley tonight, not sure that's a major upset. Think PM just let the Bath game slip away from them causing them to lose seating. I think they are a very physical team with good athletes and will be too much for the Rebels.
I really thought ph was a good draw for bland before all of this. I bland was finally healthy, the freshman qb had gotten some experience, and it was a good match up. I'm hoping the team comes out inspired and pulls out what would now be considered a big upset. Going with bland to do it.
I'd like to see the same thing but hearing through the grape vine who the players out tonight are I don't foresee them puling it out. I thought it was going to be a tough task with everyone healthy but now the task just got a lot harder missing several starters. I do wish them the best and will be happy if they do pull what is now an upset.

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