VHSL or National HS Football Rules Book.

That is an excellent question. It's the topic of a conversation I've been having with the NFHS for a while.

For reasons I cannot explain, the NFHS (aka "the Fed") does not make them available. It's hard for officials' associations to get all we need. And forget about finding them online. They used to have a pdf form on the Fed website, but that's no more.

I find this ridiculous. We bang on fans and announcers who have no idea what our rules are because they see college rules on TV and think we play the same. We lose patience with pee wee coaches who have no ideas what the rules are and also coach to NCAA or NFL rules,

But the FED makes no effort to put the actual rules out there where they can be read and learned by people who would do well to know them.

The VHSL handbook is online, but it has very little regarding playing rules in there.

Let me see what I can find about a way to get you a copy.
I just ordered 2012-13 NFHS Basketball Rule Book and Casebook from NFHS website, something I do every year. Not so hard, got books in a few days...about $22 inc shipping. I thought I saw football on the list as well; are they not as available for some reason this way?
gymrat you may be right, but since every association provides the books I've really never looked for the print versions, so I might have overstated it. My beef was with the pdfs not being available anymore.
I'm glad they're out there. I wish more people would avail themselves. Not speaking of casual fans, but broadcasters and coaches from high school down to sandlot should take a look.
Used to have to be certified to access rules from website (at least for basketball). Did that pdf come from the nfhs site?
I purchased the NFHS rule app for my smart phone last night. $5.99. You get the app for most sports and for a fan that really needs to know,this is a great way to look up a rule during a game. Also a great tool for officials.
The rules book and the case book is still available on the NFHS site in an online format, but only if you're a registered official in ArbiterSports. You can thank all the people who illegally made the PDF's available to the public for this change.

Once there and logged in, click on the Publications link up top and ALL the rules books are available in searchable format with corss-linking to the applicable case books.

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