Wilson/Gap thoughts

Nov 6, 2018
As a Gap fan I of course was not happy about the home team not winning. However, I am glad to see Wilson win some games. They have a talented group of seniors who deserve to win some games. Gap moved the ball very well in the first half, just could not come away with points when they should have. Wilson made the defensive adjustments at halftime and their O line and quarterback took over the second half. #14 is a player also. Good luck to the hornets on the rest of the season. My Bison looked pretty beat up after the game and now they get to play Riverheads...I hope they have something left for Fort after that.
I agree that most of what you said. The Wilson group that are seniors should have performed so much better over the last few years but honestly haven’t played to their potential. Gap is actually better than I had thought losing so many tds with their primary backfield graduating. That said I still had them as the third best team in the area but that’s in jeopardy now. Tough week for them if they are beat up because the Gladiators are just starting to hit their stride.

Specifically in reference to Wilson and Welcher, he was a stud coming up through the Gladiator youth League as most locals may know. The line play should be phenomenal because most of the line wrestles for one of the better local wrestling programs. Just haven’t put it all together until this past week and it’s truly a shame.

Gap has several athletes that have stepped up over the last two years but they haven’t quite popped over the hump as they would like. If they can mirror the success of the JV program from this year when they make that jump then good things are coming for them. Wishing them success except this week, lol.
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