Lee-Davis Tabs New Coach

Great choice!

Turnage's Jamestown teams were ALWAYS well coached and extremely disciplined.
Wish him nothing but success! James City County schools have made some very questionable "decisions" in the area of sports and in particular coaching contracts/offers. But when you have "influential" parents calling the shots behind the get what you get.
Re: Great choice!

I heard that the school system in James City County restricts the varsity roster to either 40 or 45 players. Can you speak to this?
I have no idea...

I don't know what James City County does....they've lost a couple of really good coaches over there in several sports in the past few years, some were asked to leave, some just left on their own accord. I know of one situation in particular where some "parents" belly ached about some things and the coach was encouraged to move along, so he did...

Coaching has changed....Rec leagues have helped foster the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality, when I played, you put up or shut up, you got your ass run into the ground if you didn't meet the TEAM expectations...grades...behavior...etc. Make a kid run extra today and you're "hazing" him. Suck it up buttercup, life is hard and it's even harder if you run around expecting everyone to give you everything. The only entitlement in this're entitled to roll your ass out of bed every morning and work hard for yours....

Sorry...had a soapbox moment...moving along now.