Westfield 10 - Madison 6


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 3, 2004
This was old time, smash-mouth, defensive football. This game had a few bone jarring hits. Running backs dragging multiple tacklers. Ball carriers being swarmed by 4-6 defenders. It was homecoming for Westfield, and Madison wanted revenge for being ousted from the playoffs last year by Westfield. The game atmosphere was, by far, the best I have experienced this year with the game not decided until the final 30 seconds.

Madison opened the game on their own 28 yard line and went three and out. WF started their first possession on their 40 yard line and after a few plays WF's Kim fumbled the snap and MAD recovered (Counts got the fumble recovery) on the WF 44 yard line. MAD went on to move the ball into the WF red zone, but settled for a 35 yard Louden FG to open the scoring and MAD was up, 3-0, with 5:08 left in the first quarter. WF started their next drive on their own 25 yard line and quickly drove down field, only to have WF's Cockrill fumble inside the one yard line trying to reach for the goal line. MAD took over on the one yard line, but went three and out, giving WF the ball on the MAD 31 yard line. After gaining little yardage WF went for it on 4th and 9 from the MAD 30 but the pass was incomplete. MAD took over and lost yards, punting after three plays, giving WF the ball back on the MAD 47 yard line. WF again failed to move the ball and punted, but a roughing the kicker call gave them a new set of downs. They moved to the MAD 21 yard line where they again faced a 4th down, this time 4th and 6, and MAD stuffed the run. MAD took over and 2-3 plays later Berry was intercepted by WF's Clancy who returned the ball to the MAD 47 yard line with time running down in the second quarter. Several plays later, on the last play of the half, WF's Kim rolled out and scrambled about 35 yards down the home sideline but was pushed out at the one yard line as time expired. MAD led at the half, 3-0.

The second half began with WF on their own 35 yard line but they ended up punting after crossing midfield, pinning MAD on their own 6 yard line. Madison moved down field to the WF 28 yard line, helped by a 55 yard Walker run, then another Walker run to the 9 yard line, then three plays later WF's McClain intercepted Berry and returned the ball to the WF 45 to kill the MAD drive. This time WF put together a nice drive that reached the MAD 3 yard line before the MAD defense stiffened and forced a 20 yard FG from WF's Hildrup to tie the score at 3-3 with 1:26 to play in the third quarter. MAD then started on their own 23 yard line but came up short on 4th and 1 from their own 32 yard line when the WF defense stuffed the run, giving WF excellent field position. WF got 7 yards on the next three plays before going for it on 4th and 3 from the MAD 25 yard line. The 4th down play resulted in a 25 yard Kim to Morin TD and WF went out in front 10-3 with 9:46 (Hildrup XP) remaining in the game. MAD then put together a drive from their own 38 yard line to the WF 18 yard line where they settled for a 35 yard FG from Louden to cut the lead to 10-6, WF, with 6:30 remaining in the game. WF, needing a long time consuming drive to win the game, started their next drive on the WF 34 and, behind a gutsy running performance from Asante mixed in with a few short passes, moved all the way to the MAD 7 yard line where they faced 3rd and 1. The play they chose to run was a toss to Asante but the MAD defense was all over it and the play lost 8 yards, so WF attempted a 32 yard Hildrup FG that missed wide left with 1:16 to play. MAD saw their chance and came out very fired up, passing the ball well and moving quickly downfield until they reached the WF red zone. Facing 3rd and about 6 from in side the 20 yard line with about 30 seconds left, they chose to go for the end zone but the pass was intercepted by WF's Morin in the end zone and WF was then able to run out the clock.

Note: My original post credited the long runs on Madison's first drive of the second half to Jreige, when it was Walker. I corrected the post.
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That was a great game from start to finish. There were some brutal hits - seems like every time I watch a Westfield game the last few seasons #3 Hinton has at least one bone-jarring tackle that is heard 50 yards away and tonight was no exception.

#2 Morin may have made the big plays but I thought #8 Asante took over the game in the second half with his determined running. That was gut-check time and I think his best game to date. Was very surprised Westfield tried a sweep on that 3rd-1. Madison's defensive pursuit was outstanding all night and Westfield struggled to hold their blocks on outside plays.

Very exciting game and it is sure possible that there could be a rematch between these two teams.

Also, pretty sure that was #28 Brandon Walker for Madison that had those runs.
Good description of the run of the game. I would also say that a couple plays either way and the outcome could easily have been 6-3 or 13-10 Warhawks, tied at the end of regulation, or 17-6 Bulldogs. Warhawks definitely have a good place kicker in Louden. Asante looked good in stretches. The Kim touchdown pass really seemed a scramble with more than expected pressure and Madison's secondary lost track of the receiver running off route in the corner of the end zone.

Someone said before the game that it was going to be about mistakes and plays missed...the were a couple more running against the Warhawks tonite. If these to end up seeing each other again in the playoffs it will be another slug fest.

Centreville hosts Westfield on the 20th and James Madison to close the season. Centreville kind of escaped from Oakton 26-20 this not sure what a take away from that is...and Westfield doesn't play Stonebridge like last year.

P.S. Madison was without the #1 running back #7 Casey Koshuta (didn't dress)
P.P.S. Yes, the runs were by #28 Brandon Walker, not #29 Anise Jreige.
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That was a great game from start to finish. There were some brutal hits - seems like every time I watch a Westfield game the last few seasons #3 Hinton has at least one bone-jarring tackle that is heard 50 yards away and tonight was no exception.

#2 Morin may have made the big plays but I thought #8 Asante took over the game in the second half with his determined running. That was gut-check time and I think his best game to date. Was very surprised Westfield tried a sweep on that 3rd-1. Madison's defensive pursuit was outstanding all night and Westfield struggled to hold their blocks on outside plays.

Very exciting game and it is sure possible that there could be a rematch between these two teams.

Also, pretty sure that was #28 Brandon Walker for Madison that had those runs.
Yes, you are correct. I was using a roster that was wrong. I corrected the post earlier this morning. Walker ran well for Madison all game long.

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