1A Bracket Challenge- Final Results


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Sep 30, 2013
Here are the final standings, congrats G Master Blaster W, as you are the champion. Be sure to double check the scores and let me know if there are errors and I will correct them. After this bracket challenge we can put one myth to rest and that is this: "It is easier to win championships in the lower classifications." Just look at how I have placed in the 2A and 5A bracket challenges compared to the 1A challenge lol. All kidding aside, thanks to everyone for taking part in this challenge this year!

1. G Master Blaster - 52
2. lovethisgame78 - 49
3. RedPrideNation - 49
4. Champ Cage- 48
5. riversportsfan - 48
6. maroons1 - 48
7. Chilwar25 - 47
8. obguthr - 47
9. Gunz41 - 47
10. honestjohn60 - 45
11. TimWakefield - 45
12. eastspartan - 45
13. gladiators01 - 44
14. RowdyBB - 43
14. Keith_Stone33 - 43
16. Bgboy38 - 42

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