4a West Power Points


VaPreps All District
Sep 24, 2014
North Danville, VA
I think DP started a power points thread a couple of days ago. Does anybody have any info on it? If I had to guess on the top 4 seeds right now, I'd think it would be 1.) Woodgrove 2/3 Amherst and Loudon Valley and 4 Pulaski? Thank you in advance!
Thank you New Guy! Hope your day is going well! It'll be interesting to see just how much this changes over the course of the season. Very good teams at the top. Crunch time for teams like Sherando , GW and JF who all will have a long road. Good thing is, there's a lot of football left.
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Gee New Guy! You are a slacker. You only carried the numbers out 13 places. LOL

Thanks, and if you didn't miss a point here or there, I'm nominating you for MENSA.

By chance did you run the 4a east numbers?

I just glanced over the east a little, and I think King George is on top with 27 points. But, honestly, I only guessed at the rest.
Gee New Guy! You are a slacker. You only carried the numbers out 13 places. LOL

Thanks, and if you didn't miss a point here or there, I'm nominating you for MENSA.

By chance did you run the 4a east numbers?

I just glanced over the east a little, and I think King George is on top with 27 points. But, honestly, I only guessed at the rest.
Sorry. I kind of stick to the West. I cheer for the Fredrick County and Winchester schools and most of the guys in my office that look at this don't even know their is an East.
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Gee New Guy! You are a slacker. You only carried the numbers out 13 places. LOL

Thanks, and if you didn't miss a point here or there, I'm nominating you for MENSA.

By chance did you run the 4a east numbers?

I just glanced over the east a little, and I think King George is on top with 27 points. But, honestly, I only guessed at the rest.

DP, I have KG at 21.6 and Chancellor at 23 with three games played each. Not sure how the rest looks but playing and beating 5A and 6A teams takes you further than playing and beating 1A and 2A teams.
24.2 was the cut off to be in the top 12 in 2015. It takes to about week 7 to begin to see playoff situation.
DP, I have KG at 21.6 and Chancellor at 23 with three games played each. Not sure how the rest looks but playing and beating 5A and 6A teams takes you further than playing and beating 1A and 2A teams.

I don't know if that's correct. The VHSL says "bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team playing a lower classification.

I can't get the ratings scale to cut and paste from the handbook. Hopefully someone can? Pg138. Section 68-4-6.

Now, I'll be the first to admit, I get this all screwed up every year.

A 4a team gets 22 points for a win. Plus two bonus points for a win for each classification below it. So. 22 for a win, plus 2 points over a 3a, or 4 points over a 2a. This sounds backwards, but it was installed to encourage teams to schedule teams from lower classifications. It was felt that smaller schools would struggle to keep larger schools scheduled. (In previous years there was an additional bonus for district play, which was deleted for this year.) Oh course, there are points for wins by a defeated opponent, etc.

If I'm wrong, which is highly likely, please straighten me out.
I don't know if that's correct. The VHSL says "bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team playing a lower classification.

I can't get the ratings scale to cut and paste from the handbook. Hopefully someone can? Pg138. Section 68-4-6.

Now, I'll be the first to admit, I get this all screwed up every year.

A 4a team gets 22 points for a win. Plus two bonus points for a win for each classification below it. So. 22 for a win, plus 2 points over a 3a, or 4 points over a 2a. This sounds backwards, but it was installed to encourage teams to schedule teams from lower classifications. It was felt that smaller schools would struggle to keep larger schools scheduled. (In previous years there was an additional bonus for district play, which was deleted for this year.) Oh course, there are points for wins by a defeated opponent, etc.

If I'm wrong, which is highly likely, please straighten me out.
I don't know if that's correct. The VHSL says "bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team playing a lower classification.

I can't get the ratings scale to cut and paste from the handbook. Hopefully someone can? Pg138. Section 68-4-6.

Now, I'll be the first to admit, I get this all screwed up every year.

A 4a team gets 22 points for a win. Plus two bonus points for a win for each classification below it. So. 22 for a win, plus 2 points over a 3a, or 4 points over a 2a. This sounds backwards, but it was installed to encourage teams to schedule teams from lower classifications. It was felt that smaller schools would struggle to keep larger schools scheduled. (In previous years there was an additional bonus for district play, which was deleted for this year.) Oh course, there are points for wins by a defeated opponent, etc.

If I'm wrong, which is highly likely, please straighten me out.
68-4-6 Rating Scale-To find the rating of a team, total the number of points it has earned in accordance with the following table and divide that total number by the number of games played.

Note: The VHSL shall apply a 2.0 multiplier, for classification purposes, to any Virginia non-public school that serves students of one gender (e.g., an all-boys high school). Other multipliers are defined in 10-1-4 (a), (b) and (c).

For winning from For losing from

*Two (2) bonus points per classification

For each game won by a defeated opponent** in ANY classification

For each game won by a non-defeated opponent** in ANY classification

26 24 14 12

2 2 11

22 20 18 16 1086 4

2 2 2 2 111 1

*Bonus points award to higher classification teams playing lower classification teams **VHSL rating scale recognized opponents

6A 5A 4A 3A 2A 1A
I don't know if that's correct. The VHSL says "bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team playing a lower classification.

I can't get the ratings scale to cut and paste from the handbook. Hopefully someone can? Pg138. Section 68-4-6.

Now, I'll be the first to admit, I get this all screwed up every year.

A 4a team gets 22 points for a win. Plus two bonus points for a win for each classification below it. So. 22 for a win, plus 2 points over a 3a, or 4 points over a 2a. This sounds backwards, but it was installed to encourage teams to schedule teams from lower classifications. It was felt that smaller schools would struggle to keep larger schools scheduled. (In previous years there was an additional bonus for district play, which was deleted for this year.) Oh course, there are points for wins by a defeated opponent, etc.

If I'm wrong, which is highly likely, please straighten me out.

You get 22 points for beating a 4A team not if you are one. 20 for beating a 3a, then the bonus if you are higher... District bonus is 2 non district is 1.
I don't know if that's correct. The VHSL says "bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team playing a lower classification.

I can't get the ratings scale to cut and paste from the handbook. Hopefully someone can? Pg138. Section 68-4-6.

Now, I'll be the first to admit, I get this all screwed up every year.

A 4a team gets 22 points for a win. Plus two bonus points for a win for each classification below it. So. 22 for a win, plus 2 points over a 3a, or 4 points over a 2a. This sounds backwards, but it was installed to encourage teams to schedule teams from lower classifications. It was felt that smaller schools would struggle to keep larger schools scheduled. (In previous years there was an additional bonus for district play, which was deleted for this year.) Oh course, there are points for wins by a defeated opponent, etc.

If I'm wrong, which is highly likely, please straighten me out.

I can’t get the tables out of the handbook to copy/paste and keep the tables. So as you are reading this, having the handbook handy will help. If I am wrong, I would appreciate corrections. This is how I interpreted the handbook a few years ago when I built my own spreadsheet to track the points for the old region 4. I abandoned tracking it myself because once the VHSL starts posting it, it’s too easy to just go there and look and tracking them yourself becomes a self-licking ice cream cone because you have to track the teams you want to as well as all the teams they play. Too much work when the information is already available. I apologize for the long post, but here it goes.

I will look at Chancellor and King George only. They have both played 3 games and are both 4A.

As I see it, the handbook has the point system down to 4 different areas. Since none of these teams games were with out of state teams, I will ignore the 4th part (68-4-6 (1)). The first 3 parts are covered in 68-4-6.

Part 1 awards points based on the size of the school the team plays and whether they won or lost. So:

Beat 6A Riverbend so points equal: 26
Beat 5A Massaponax so points equal: 24
Lost to 4A Eastern View so points equal: 10
Total equals 60

King George:
Beat 1A Essex so points equal: 16
Beat 2A Washington & Lee so points equal: 18
Beat 4A Liberty Bealton so points equal: 22
Total equals: 56

Part 2 awards bonus points for teams that are playing a lower classification team. Teams get different amounts based on in or out of district games. None of these games are district games so only 1 point per classification is awarded to the larger school playing down. So:

No lower classification teams played so no points.
Total equals: 0

King George:
1A Essex, 3 classifications lower so points equal: 3
2A W&L, 2 classifications lower so points equal: 2
No points for Liberty Bealton.
Total equals: 5

Part 3 awards bonus points for games either won or lost by teams you play. If you beat them then you get 2 points for every game they win and if you lose to them you get 1 point for every game they win. So:

Riverbend (1-2) so 2 points
Massaponax (2-1) so 4 points
EV (3-0) so 2 points (One of their wins was against Chancellor and it does not count)
Total equals 8 points

King George:
Essex (1-2) so 2 points
Washington & Lee (0-3) so 0 points
Liberty Bealton (1-1) so 2 points
Total equals 4 points

Chancellor totals: 60+0+8 = 68 points
68 divided by 3 games is 22.66

Chancellor: 22.66 or 22.67 or it can be carried out to 7 places ....

King George totals: 56+5+4 = 65 points
65 divided by 3 games is 21.66

King George: 21.66 or 21.67 or it can be carried out to 7 places ….

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Last edited:
I can’t get the tables out of the handbook to copy/paste and keep the tables. So as you are reading this, having the handbook handy will help. If I am wrong, I would appreciate corrections. This is how I interpreted the handbook a few years ago when I built my own spreadsheet to track the points for the old region 4. I abandoned tracking it myself because once the VHSL starts posting it, it’s too easy to just go there and look and tracking them yourself becomes a self-licking ice cream cone because you have to track the teams you want to as well as all the teams they play. Too much work when the information is already available. I apologize for the long post, but here it goes.

I will look at Chancellor and King George only. They have both played 3 games and are both 4A.

As I see it, the handbook has the point system down to 4 different areas. Since none of these teams games were with out of state teams, I will ignore the 4th part (68-4-6 (1)). The first 3 parts are covered in 68-4-6.

Part 1 awards points based on the size of the school the team plays and whether they won or lost. So:

Beat 6A Riverbend so points equal: 26
Beat 5A Massaponax so points equal: 24
Lost to 4A Eastern View so points equal: 10
Total equals 60

King George:
Beat 1A Essex so points equal: 16
Beat 2A Washington & Lee so points equal: 18
Beat 4A Liberty Bealton so points equal: 22
Total equals: 56

Part 2 awards bonus points for teams that are playing a lower classification team. Teams get different amounts based on in or out of district games. None of these games are district games so only 1 point per classification is awarded to the larger school playing down. So:

No lower classification teams played so no points.
Total equals: 0

King George:
1A Essex, 3 classifications lower so points equal: 3
2A W&L, 2 classifications lower so points equal: 2
No points for Liberty Bealton.
Total equals: 5

Part 3 awards bonus points for games either won or lost by teams you play. If you beat them then you get 2 points for every game they win and if you lose to them you get 1 point for every game they win. So:

Riverbend (1-2) so 2 points
Massaponax (2-1) so 4 points
EV (3-0) so 3 points
Total equals 9 points

King George:
Essex (1-2) so 2 points
Washington & Lee (0-3) so 0 points
Liberty Bealton (1-1) so 2 points
Total equals 4 points

Chancellor totals: 60+0+9 = 69 points
69 divided by 3 games is 23

Chancellor: 23

King George totals: 56+5+4 = 65 points
65 divided by 3 games is 21.66

King George: 21.66 or 21.67 or it can be carried out to 7 places ….

Please correct me if I am wrong.
The Part 3 points is off by one for Chancellor.. You don't get a bonus point for the third win because it was against Chancellor.
You get 22 points for beating a 4A team not if you are one. 20 for beating a 3a, then the bonus if you are higher... District bonus is 2 non district is 1.
EV, I think the district provision is gone? They voted to drop it.
*Bonus points award to higher classification teams playing lower classification teams **VHSL rating scale recognized opponents

I just cut and pasted this from the handbook. Am I mis-reading this? Bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team?
*Bonus points award to higher classification teams playing lower classification teams **VHSL rating scale recognized opponents

I just cut and pasted this from the handbook. Am I mis-reading this? Bonus points are awarded to the higher classification team?


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