First: Kettle Run gave up 20 points to Sherando. What did you think would happen in the championship game? No. Really. What did you think was gonna happen?
When the Heritage Pioneers beat LCA in 2022 before getting dog shackled in the finals no one was complaining about how LCA put their football team together.
I read someone's post once in the past where they were complaining about the Maury head coach after the Commodores started winning. This is envy.
I posted before that I believed much of the complaints concerning the team formerly known as The Freedom Eagles centered on jealousy. I believe another poster added a recording of an actual real life and currently working and modern Virginia High School football head coach saying things about the Hayfield head coach that are more in line with 1950s or 40s or 30s or 20s or 1910s or 1800s or 1700s Virginia, with your out of touch Confederate flag flying selves. Weak in the legs bums.
Are you sure (those of you making derogatory comments about those young men) that you are not just green eyed and enviously jealous?
Whatever LCA is guilty of it is this. They are not playing football with oversized space aliens from the planet Ishtar. The Football Gods did, however, give the kids and coaches the required tools. Those kids and coaches lined up and beat the teams that were put in front of them.
Back in the 1990s and before guess what the general thinking was.
"Private schools in Virginia cannot play competitive football with the public schools."
There is a difference between winners and losers. Stop whining! Improve your football team. Real football fans should be starving for their favorite team to face such a challenge.
LCA put their 2024 football team together the same way they put that one together; their 2021 team that the Phoebus defense made to look like the 2024 Varina Blue Devil's offense. I mean, Varina was playing pretty tough for 2 and 1/2 quarters before being folded like a pre-creased throw rug. Too bad for them but the game is 4 quarters long.
I don't believe LCA should be playing D3. But they do. So. Go play them and beat them. It has already been proven that they can be beat when they are at their best.
As a reminder; once had a senior editor that did not take too kindly to a Black man complaining about the state of race relations as it pertained to Virginia High School football. That guy is still one of the more pathetic human beings I have ever met. That bum was allowed to work with kids in Virginia.
Stop flying that giant Confederate flag on the side of the road on game day or move the freaking games out of Lynchburg! Bums! VHSL! Bums! You know that flag is there! You bums! Tell your friends they are classless bums!
Stop making derogatory remarks about children on VaPreps. Talking pre-football game trash among fans and being ridiculous are not the same things. I can say that I don't think Varina will score more than 7 points against the Phantom's defense without calling the players any bad names like...pool boy cheaters. That's just being mean.
Hey Bo! Remember Varina's last touchdown of the 2024 football season? How did it feel to you? How did it taste on the tip of your tongue? Good? Was it good to you? Did it feel good? Did you stand up cheering and think, "We're gonna do it!?" Well for me it was so scary. I was. I was startled. I'm still ascared and afraid. It. Was. So. Scary. Scary stuff man. 😱😟😰😨😬 Until next season I will be in the weight room. Everyone take care of your metabolic health this next year.