Appomattox at Stuarts Draft

Appomattox County Athletic Director send me a message stating that the game definitely will not start until 2:30 p.m.
Will Riverheads fans have enough time once their 2 p.m. Class 1 Title Game with Galax is over to get to Stuart Draft to see the end of the Raiders-Stuart Draft Class 2 Championship Game?
One local paper today says that Riverheads kicks off at 1:00 and Stuarts Draft at 2:30. If that is accurate, that would be ideal for fans wanting to catch parts of both games.
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How are tickets distributed at Stuarts Draft?

I'm not sure what you are asking???

Each team gets the same amount of tickets as far as I know. There are no paper tickets in Semifinals or Finals this year.

And if you are trying to ask how you (or someone else) can get SD tickets, then all I will say is WOW
I'm not sure what you are asking???

Each team gets the same amount of tickets as far as I know. There are no paper tickets in Semifinals or Finals this year.

And if you are trying to ask how you (or someone else) can get SD tickets, then all I will say is WOW
If nobody is using them then they should be free game though..

@oldfool2 just check GoFan tomorrow at 6. Have your credit/debit card info ready. It only allows you to buy 1 ticket and they sell fast!
If nobody is using them then they should be free game though..

@oldfool2 just check GoFan tomorrow at 6. Have your credit/debit card info ready. It only allows you to buy 1 ticket and they sell fast!

That wasn't my point if you are referring to the WOW part. And I also said IF, not accusing anymore of anything.

My point was that whether right/wrong, there are 500 tickets, 250 for each school. If the answer on how they are distributed (before they go online like last week) was to call the school, then someone from EITHER school could possibly get those. And that isn't right, no matter which side. I'm sure that all 6 games will be sold out with limited availability. Yes, it absolutely sucks that there can't be PACKED stadiums and all family members/friends for every player, but ANY tickets gained from one is taken away from another.

There is a reason why VHSL took over the ticket orders/codes last week and this week. And I would assume it has little to do with money, but more to do with preventing a home team from gaming the system to have more tickets.
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That wasn't my point if you are referring to the WOW part. And I also said IF, not accusing anymore of anything.

My point was that whether right/wrong, there are 500 tickets, 250 for each school. If the answer on how they are distributed (before they go online like last week) was to call the school, then someone from EITHER school could possibly get those. And that isn't right, no matter which side. I'm sure that all 6 games will be sold out with limited availability. Yes, it absolutely sucks that there can't be PACKED stadiums and all family members/friends for every player, but ANY tickets gained from one is taken away from another.

There is a reason why VHSL took over the ticket orders/codes last week and this week. And I would assume it has little to do with money, but more to do with preventing a home team from gaming the system to have more tickets.
Well I truly hope the 250 is forced for both sides and SD administration doesn't just let it's fans come on in to use that advantage, which it wouldn't surprise me, I mean dang, ya already got home field. Which is bullcrap in its own. Go Raiders, make SD your home this Saturday.
Well I truly hope the 250 is forced for both sides and SD administration doesn't just let it's fans come on in to use that advantage, which it wouldn't surprise me, I mean dang, ya already got home field. Which is bullcrap in its own. Go Raiders, make SD your home this Saturday.


1. Who hosts had ZERO to do with Stuarts Draft.
2. Exactly why wouldn't it surprise you? What has Stuarts Draft shown that would make you think that they would do something against the rules?
3. I have been nothing but respectful on this board for YEARS about Appomattox. So you are more than welcome to "make it your home"
4. I can't say for sure that it will be 250 and 250 Exactly, and I sure am not going to count. But again, for ticket allotment, NEITHER school has a say. In fact, Appomattox likely has a better chance of "fans", as it is my understanding that essential staff is part of the number. These exact things have been discussed all year. So it's not impossible (and from what I have heard) that the opposite team would try and get tickets. And that exact thing could be the same for BOTH teams.
5. Again, I will point out, I did NOT accuse anyone, I simply said IF. And I stand by that. It doesn't matter if it's SD, APPO, or an outside fan. If you have a desire to get a ticket meant for one of the parties and you are not directly involved with that party, that is sad.

IF the limit is 500 IN the stadium, then I hope that there are MANY who can watch outside. I don't want ANYONE from APPOMATTOX or STUARTS DRAFT to miss seeing the game, especially ANY family for either. Anyone outside of those 2 programs doesn't matter to see it (and that is no offense meant).

I hope BOTH TEAMS play to the best of their ability, I hope the kids enjoy the game, I hope all those attending appreciate having the opportunity to see it and cherish the memories, I sincerely hope that all come out of it healthy.

Of course I have a preference on who wins, but there are much more important things than that. And you certainly won't catch me talking trash or saying a negative word.

Enjoy it fellas.

1. Who hosts had ZERO to do with Stuarts Draft.
2. Exactly why wouldn't it surprise you? What has Stuarts Draft shown that would make you think that they would do something against the rules?
3. I have been nothing but respectful on this board for YEARS about Appomattox. So you are more than welcome to "make it your home"
4. I can't say for sure that it will be 250 and 250 Exactly, and I sure am not going to count. But again, for ticket allotment, NEITHER school has a say. In fact, Appomattox likely has a better chance of "fans", as it is my understanding that essential staff is part of the number. These exact things have been discussed all year. So it's not impossible (and from what I have heard) that the opposite team would try and get tickets. And that exact thing could be the same for BOTH teams.
5. Again, I will point out, I did NOT accuse anyone, I simply said IF. And I stand by that. It doesn't matter if it's SD, APPO, or an outside fan. If you have a desire to get a ticket meant for one of the parties and you are not directly involved with that party, that is sad.

IF the limit is 500 IN the stadium, then I hope that there are MANY who can watch outside. I don't want ANYONE from APPOMATTOX or STUARTS DRAFT to miss seeing the game, especially ANY family for either. Anyone outside of those 2 programs doesn't matter to see it (and that is no offense meant).

I hope BOTH TEAMS play to the best of their ability, I hope the kids enjoy the game, I hope all those attending appreciate having the opportunity to see it and cherish the memories, I sincerely hope that all come out of it healthy.

Of course I have a preference on who wins, but there are much more important things than that. And you certainly won't catch me talking trash or saying a negative word.

Enjoy it fellas.
Any idea what Appo will have for locker room for before the game and during half time?

1. Who hosts had ZERO to do with Stuarts Draft.
2. Exactly why wouldn't it surprise you? What has Stuarts Draft shown that would make you think that they would do something against the rules?
3. I have been nothing but respectful on this board for YEARS about Appomattox. So you are more than welcome to "make it your home"
4. I can't say for sure that it will be 250 and 250 Exactly, and I sure am not going to count. But again, for ticket allotment, NEITHER school has a say. In fact, Appomattox likely has a better chance of "fans", as it is my understanding that essential staff is part of the number. These exact things have been discussed all year. So it's not impossible (and from what I have heard) that the opposite team would try and get tickets. And that exact thing could be the same for BOTH teams.
5. Again, I will point out, I did NOT accuse anyone, I simply said IF. And I stand by that. It doesn't matter if it's SD, APPO, or an outside fan. If you have a desire to get a ticket meant for one of the parties and you are not directly involved with that party, that is sad.

IF the limit is 500 IN the stadium, then I hope that there are MANY who can watch outside. I don't want ANYONE from APPOMATTOX or STUARTS DRAFT to miss seeing the game, especially ANY family for either. Anyone outside of those 2 programs doesn't matter to see it (and that is no offense meant).

I hope BOTH TEAMS play to the best of their ability, I hope the kids enjoy the game, I hope all those attending appreciate having the opportunity to see it and cherish the memories, I sincerely hope that all come out of it healthy.

Of course I have a preference on who wins, but there are much more important things than that. And you certainly won't catch me talking trash or saying a negative word.

Enjoy it fellas.
Well Gunz, I wasnt trying to say it in bad way, I do understand it was a VHSL decision on all factors. I was just stating I hope it's done the way it should be due to all the regulations. Didnt mean to sound like I was throwing them under the bus by saying it it wouldn't surprise me, you know there is always rule breakers NOT that I'm saying they will.

I say if some familys can't go and them tickets can be filled by the teams fans then more power to them, sell them and allow max capacity.

I do pray for safety for both teams to stay healthy and no one get hurt. Always want to win when a team is at their best....

Well Gunz, I wasnt trying to say it in bad way, I do understand it was a VHSL decision on all factors. I was just stating I hope it's done the way it should be due to all the regulations. Didnt mean to sound like I was throwing them under the bus by saying it it wouldn't surprise me, you know there is always rule breakers NOT that I'm saying they will.

I say if some familys can't go and them tickets can be filled by the teams fans then more power to them, sell them and allow max capacity.

I do pray for safety for both teams to stay healthy and no one get hurt. Always want to win when a team is at their best....


O, I have zero issue with that. I think if SD only had 200 going (or vice versa), then Appomattox (or vice versa) should be able to get tickets. But that is where the tickets from the GoFan thing goes. It's my understanding that the parents tickets are done by codes before anything ever gets posted.

That is the reason I said the if to begin with, how the other team distributed tickets has no bearing on the other. It doesn't change how the VHSL distributed tickets, it doesn't change the number, and it doesn't change the form of ticket.

And I have numerous times stated that I would feel the exact same if it were the other way around. I am certainly not in a position to make rules, etc. But I have 0 issue with anyone from outside the participants coming to and watching game from outside the fence. But I think it would be very sad for someone from any other location to get a ticket (meaning having no affiliate on the teams). There should NOT be any Appomattox fan outside the fence, but someone from Wilson just WANTING to see a game inside. If that person is a family member, then not an issue. I am sure that there will be SD/APPO/Others outside the fence. And I have no issue if Appomattox as the example ends up with more fans, but only if done the correct way (again, not saying they aren't).

I'll give a specific example to be clear (going off something I read on here). Lets use an example that each player gets 4 tickets for family. Say each team has 40 players, that is 160 of the 250 each. Johnny from Appomattox and Billy from SD have different family structures. Johnny has 2 parents, 4 grandparents. Billy has 2 parents, 2 step parents, and 2 brothers. That is 6 each. Since they are given 4, that means that 2 from each player needs part of their schools remaining balance of 90 tickets. If Billy got 2 from Appomattox, that is taking away from the remainder of theirs, and could cost Johnny's 2 grandparents from being there. Those grandparents AND siblings BOTH have a legit reason to be there, and both Deserve tickets. But if Billy gets his from Appo, that is wrong
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O, I have zero issue with that. I think if SD only had 200 going (or vice versa), then Appomattox (or vice versa) should be able to get tickets. But that is where the tickets from the GoFan thing goes. It's my understanding that the parents tickets are done by codes before anything ever gets posted.

That is the reason I said the if to begin with, how the other team distributed tickets has no bearing on the other. It doesn't change how the VHSL distributed tickets, it doesn't change the number, and it doesn't change the form of ticket.

And I have numerous times stated that I would feel the exact same if it were the other way around. I am certainly not in a position to make rules, etc. But I have 0 issue with anyone from outside the participants coming to and watching game from outside the fence. But I think it would be very sad for someone from any other location to get a ticket (meaning having no affiliate on the teams). There should NOT be any Appomattox fan outside the fence, but someone from Wilson just WANTING to see a game inside. If that person is a family member, then not an issue. I am sure that there will be SD/APPO/Others outside the fence. And I have no issue if Appomattox as the example ends up with more fans, but only if done the correct way (again, not saying they aren't).

I'll give a specific example to be clear (going off something I read on here). Lets use an example that each player gets 4 tickets for family. Say each team has 40 players, that is 160 of the 250 each. Johnny from Appomattox and Billy from SD have different family structures. Johnny has 2 parents, 4 grandparents. Billy has 2 parents, 2 step parents, and 2 brothers. That is 6 each. Since they are given 4, that means that 2 from each player needs part of their schools remaining balance of 90 tickets. If Billy got 2 from Appomattox, that is taking away from the remainder of theirs, and could cost Johnny's 2 grandparents from being there. Those grandparents AND siblings BOTH have a legit reason to be there, and both Deserve tickets. But if Billy gets his from Appo, that is wrong
Totally understand, I reckon that is just way to much for the Schools to keep up with, they are like here, here's you 4, what you do with them is your choice. Then whatever is left over they are like well if there is any left then tell the other 2 members of your family go to the website they give at the time they open up to the public and after that its a first come first serve type of deal.
I agree though, if someone is not affiliated with the team and just want to see the game that really doesn't support either team then they should be courteous and think them scenarios mentioned above through. Are they ? Probably not. IMO

All in all hopefully by this fall it isn't this tight. If they say anyone can go that has a vaccine card then count this fan out. I don't hold it against anybody that chooses to do that but for me I have my own personal reasons that I will not take the chance of what this evil world my want to put into my body. Got off subject there but anyways....

God Bless you all and may the best team win. #PO1Forever #SmithStrong #Focus
What's the weather supposed to be on gameday? Appomattox executed extremely well in nasty conditions last week, feels like that offense translates no matter the weather
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