ON THE SWVA boards:
Futbolking writes "Here's the deal, Dan River and Appomattox think they are going to win this weekend. They think it won't be close. They are already making plans for Salem in week 5. Prove them wrong. Let the discussion at their homes on Thanksgiving day be "What happened against Union" or "What happened against Giles"...
I'm not sold on these 2 teams being so much better than the rest as their fan base would make you believe. This isn't Chatham they're facing. Make them earn every bit of it, if they do come out on top. Where there's a will, there's a way. They may have more athletes than Union or Giles, but one thing that Union and Giles will both have more of is heart and that's just a fact that's been proven over and over by our boys from SWVA. Been watching this game for a long, long time and I absolutely believe that Appo and Dan River could go down this weekend."
I got one question for you sir, WHERE EXACTLY ARE YOU GETTING YOUR INFO FROM? I dont read the SWVA much because I hold down a full time job and have a family. I do read it late in season and during playoffs. I dont have all that time to be beating up these boards all day. I will not be creating an account so I will answer Futbolking here.
You sir are a liar and trying to cause an emotional high for your guys.
I live in Appo and I read the same boards you do. I havent read nothing on here from Appo fans looking past Giles? I havent had one conversation with a person in the community, coach, administrator or board member saying that we are looking on to the states. Its all good, do what you have to do to get yall fired up and if that is to create lies about Appomattox (and Dan River) fans, so be it. Carry on with your shenanigans.