Appomattox vs Nelson


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 17, 2019
Game was called with 3 mins left in 3rd qtr. Appo 34, Nelson 6. Please pray for the Nelson player that was injured with possible concussion and taken offf the field by stretcher.
Game was called with 3 mins left in 3rd qtr. Appo 34, Nelson 6. Please pray for the Nelson player that was injured with possible concussion and taken offf the field by stretcher.
Update by Cheryl Ellis on facebook.
Thank you to the Nelson County parent who commented on our post that the player is going to be ok! Continue to pray for him, but thank you for all the prayers for him!
"Just talked to dad. He said he's going to be ok. Dylan is tough and his dad said he wanted to go back in the game. . They are checking him out now. Thank you all for your concern."

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