Not too many unpaid internships these days. My point continues to be that athletic scholarships aren't the only scholarships, yet they are the ones that seem to most regulated. Are there other types that dictate how much you can work/earn and the manner in which you earn your money? Furthermore not every student-athlete is on scholarship. Why should they be under the same financial restrictions as those who are being compensated.
"Amateur" sports is a completely made up concept, conceived by the upper class with the intent of keeping the lower classes out of their sports. By making it so you couldn't earn money doing your sport you had to be from a wealthy family in order to properly train to compete. Those from the lower classes had to work to live. There were those that had benefactors but that just proves what I'm saying: The upper class would pick and choose who got in and who didn't.
I'm not arguing for or against it. Not once have you seen me say that. And you obviously if you want to go against what I posted don't even want to see any other opinion other than yours.
My whole post was to not negate the scholarship like it is nothing. That is for academic 9r athletic. But to act like it is something that means nothing is ridiculous