@mmqp, I am glad you keep saying it over and over so it becomes more true.
Please use the search function and find a thread on here by a Riverheads poster griping while in 2A about being the smallest school and enrollment being the reason for a loss. Hint, you won’t find it.
Only a handful of teams beat those teams and I don’t recall anyone ever pulling the crying act that several on here do about what division we are in. We got beat by better teams 3 out of 4 years.
If the enrollment argument that some are so passionate about matter so much, I am surprised that the governing body hasn’t made additional changes to get things more fair across the board. It’s always a football discussion and Windsor never comes up in the talk because they don’t compete for and win championships.
Everyone just be honest and say that you don’t like the winning and if they got rolled every time it wouldn’t even be a topic on this board. Do we ever hear about it on the basketball board where RHS is good but not dominant?
The water jug is full of haterade so drink away. There’s plenty to go around......