Charles City Athletic Programs


VaPreps All State
Gold Member
Dec 9, 2013
Has anyone got any information on the financial situation that threatened the athletic programs last year? I hope the severe economic strain on the entire County budget has lessened some. I guess this would only happen if the shipments to the landfill resumed.

The schools dodged a bullet last year, and hopefully they won't be slammed with such a suprise for the next budget year.
The only thing that I had heard was a rumor that all coaches were volunteers this year and unpaid. If this is true it is a shame but at the same time I would like to give credit to those coaches who gave up their time to work with the kids in that community.
The program is still going. Coaches did work on a volunteer basis for a while, but later received funds and got stipends. (Charles City probably has the smallest stipend amount in athletics.)

The lawsuit with Waste Management has been settled, with the county receiving $1.5 million out of it. That amount was paid as a bulk sum. (It's not really a lot because it basically an agreement where WM has to bring in a minimum 1,500 tons a day and that number can drop to 1,000 if WM doesn't receive a contract with the Richmond transfer station.)

Charles City schools are expected to be fully funded this year.
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Thanks DRE. I had hoped you were checking the forum once and awhile, and saw my questions. I knew you would have the answers.

I'm glad things are going better for them. How's the track team doing this year? Do you have any standout athletes on the team? I know that they are all standouts, and I agree, but any with extrodinarly times?

Last year I was harsh with my criticism of Charles City. I want to apologize. You softly, and quite eloquently, explained the facts. And this made me stop and realize that I was doing nothing but running my mouth about something that I really didn't have the true, inside knowledge about. Thank you. You and Charles City have my full support.

I hope no surprises have popped up from a financial perspective so far? I hope not. It would be nice for everyone to simply stay focused on what is important. The Kids!

Best wishes for a tremendously successful year.
I hope no surprises have popped up from a financial perspective so far? I hope not. It would be nice for everyone to simply stay focused on what is important. The Kids!

Best wishes for a tremendously successful year.

Hey Dinwiddie,

So far Charles City athletics are doing okay. It will be interesting as they are adding girls' volleyball and are scheduled to add soccer. Biggest factor this year is that they are going to have to find funds for both sports to get uniforms and pay for referees as you will need an average of 50 people ($300) per contest to offset expenses.

Football will easily be the biggest money maker this year. The team returns 90 percent of the players and expectations are high. A benefit game with New Kent on Aug. 21 will probably be the biggest crowd of the year (despite the funds being split three ways). The downfall for this season is that the football team only has four home games.

I get to see all these fun sports for the year for my job so I will keep you abreast of what happens.
I think the corner was turned. I'll admit, probably not too many steps have been taken away from that corner, but I think things will get better from here. I think the best thing that came out of the past crisis was the renewed realization of how important athletics is to the school, the community, and the overall educational process. I'm cheering and rooting for all things Charles City.

Really glad to see extra sports being added. Maybe the hoped for, more competitive football team, will bring out enough extra fans to help support these other sports. Yeah, four home games is a bummer. That's what we had last year. But we have six at home this year. I guess the old saying "what goes around, comes around", applies here.

Enjoy the reporting. That's pretty darn good duty. I look forward to your updates.