Clarke Co over Rapp Co 84-0

The way the coach sounded after the fact makes him seem like the asshole. You should try and sound more apologetic and classy after you beat a team 84-0. And to pretend there aren't ways to mitigate such a blowout is ridiculous. I'm a firm believer you don't beat a team 84-0 unless you want to beat a team 84-0. But, just my two cents.
you can't beat a team that badly unless they let you.
The Coaches could have halted the game at any time.
Last year Manchester and Hermitage agreed to halt a game at halftime with Manchester up by 50 points.
This year Jamestown and Huguenot agreed to halt a game at halftime with Huguenot having a 42 point lead.
So don't act like there is a total victim here unless it is the kids with a coach with too much pride to know when he is whipped.
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I didn’t plan on commenting further... but justifying a blocked punt (which was returned for. a TD) on a “10th grader just playing hard” is pretty weak. You were up by 60+ at the time? Ever heard of setting up a return? Or fair catching the punt? You probably would have scored anyway but at least time would run off the clock.

Maybe Clarke should schedule Martinsburg, WV. I understand that they are always looking for a challenge!
Even when you have a return on a few players will be responsible for rushing the punter. We don't know what happened for sure. He could have told everyone on the team not to rush and one kid that wants to make a play because he doesn't see the field much decided to go block it and score.
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you can't beat a team that badly unless they let you.
The Coaches could have halted the game at any time.
Last year Manchester and Hermitage agreed to halt a game at halftime with Manchester up by 50 points.
This year Jamestown and Huguenot agreed to halt a game at halftime with Huguenot having a 42 point lead.
So don't act like there is a total victim here unless it is the kids with a coach with too much pride to know when he is whipped.

You don't beat a team 84-0 unless you're trying to beat a team 84-0. The lesser team shouldn't be required to quit at the half to prevent such a score, that instills a negative attitude. I've seen huge talent discrepancies over the years but I never saw Graham, Appalachia, Powell Valley, Union, etc beat anyone 84-0. Appalachia did put up some crazy scores at times, but they only had 25-30 players. Kinda hard to empty the bench when there's only ten kids on the bench. But even then, there are ways to shorten the game.
Graham scored 46 first quarter points against Marion, holding the ball only 90-some seconds. They could have scored 100, but they made adjustments and Didn't score again IIRC.

It wouldn't look so bad if the coach had showed more compassion or contrition afterwards.
Even when you have a return on a few players will be responsible for rushing the punter. We don't know what happened for sure. He could have told everyone on the team not to rush and one kid that wants to make a play because he doesn't see the field much decided to go block it and score.
Based on the coaches Pre and Post game comments you could be right. The kid received the message loud and clear. Exploit them.
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From the Winchester PREview article;

On Mondays, Parker and his staff go over the scouting report with the players and they did not sugarcoat anything about Rappahannock or what they expected throughout the week leading up to the game.

“I just told them, 'You guys are smart guys. All of the coaches, we're not going to try to put smoke over your eyes. We're much better than this team. They are struggling, athletically, strength-wise, the whole nine yards. But as an athlete and as football players, we're going to approach this week like any other week. We're going to practice hard,"” Parker said.

“We're going to approach the game and play tough football, exhibit sportsmanship and let the chips fall after that,” Parker said. “We have to do what we have to do. It's just that they are the 10th on our schedule.”
I’m not bitter in the least. But the coaches comments in the paper revealed something not so cool. My opinion. Deal with it. And then the rationalization on here?

By the way, Martinsburg is about twice the size of Clarke. Clarke is about twice the size of Rapp. Now who made the stupid statement?

The comment had nothing to do with size. It was about discrepancy in talent.
Then you should have said
From the Winchester PREview article;

On Mondays, Parker and his staff go over the scouting report with the players and they did not sugarcoat anything about Rappahannock or what they expected throughout the week leading up to the game.

“I just told them, 'You guys are smart guys. All of the coaches, we're not going to try to put smoke over your eyes. We're much better than this team. They are struggling, athletically, strength-wise, the whole nine yards. But as an athlete and as football players, we're going to approach this week like any other week. We're going to practice hard,"” Parker said.

“We're going to approach the game and play tough football, exhibit sportsmanship and let the chips fall after that,” Parker said. “We have to do what we have to do. It's just that they are the 10th on our schedule.”
Can you guys beat this dead horse anymore? We all get it loud and clear...move on gents.
Then you should have said

Can you guys beat this dead horse anymore? We all get it loud and clear...move on gents.
I said what I wanted to say exactly how I wanted to say it...thank you very much.

Maybe you should talk to your coach about what he says to reporters. His comments cast light on an untenable situation.

You are free to move on if you like.
Rapp Co. gets to turn around and play Riverheads in the first round of the playoffs. Riverheads is a much better team than Clarke - evidenced by their dismantling of a Stuart's Draft that beat Clarke soundly - but I am willing to bet the final score will not get to 84-0. Difference is that Riverheads is a state championship caliber program that doesn't need to beat Rapp Co. 84-0 so they can beat their chest after the fact like Clarke did. Riverheads doesn't need that to validate their program.

Great job Rapp Co for finishing what you started - regardless of the outcome.