Coach Woody


VaPreps All Region
Nov 12, 2001
I definitely would like to hear his explanation on leaving Monticello to go back to Lynchburg. I remember a few years ago it was such a big deal for him to move to Cville where his wife works and took the Monticello job. I wonder what has changed or what happened for this to happen? Interesting to know though that if a well known football school has a coach opening in the Lynchburg area soon that Woody will jump ship again if Glass cant cut it.....
Re: Excellent Hire

It probably has something to do with Barnes leaving Monticello. It can't be talent related because Monticello has a stud QB returning and extremely talented RB coming up from JV.
This post was edited on 2/19 10:16 PM by HoosFan05
Re: Excellent Hire

Really can't figure this one out, especially with the fact his wife works in Charlottesville and he wanted to be closer to his family. Something has changed and unless he addresses it publicly, I guess we will never know.

Regardless, E.C Glass just picked up the hire of the year. Glass hasn't had a winning season since 2005. Not gonna' be that way in 2015. Very best of luck to the Hilltoppers and Coach Woody.

As with Spotsy, I looked at the LCS budget that is public to see what Woody could possibly be making from a monetary standpoint. Unlike Spotsy, they provided absolutely no information on what Athletic Coach's earn or even what it takes to maintain their venues. It's as if athletic programs do not exist. I found that odd.
Re: Excellent Hire

Welp, just got wind that that talented JV RB is transferring to Albemarle, along with about 6 other players. And boom goes the dynamite.
Watch out for the Patriots.
Re: Excellent Hire

So the theory is that a coach leaves because some players have transferred across town? And this is considered a great coach by some? 1.'if players are leaving, they must have not liked him, or maybe they are leaving because he left. Maybe the answer is D. All of the above. Glass should be on alert with this hire.
Re: Excellent Hire

It's the other way around, the players are leaving because Woody left. Woody left because of the admin.
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Re: Excellent Hire

That's a shame, Monticello is a nice school, nice facilities . Maybe they can get another quality coach to come in, get some of these kids to stay. Makes you wonder though how all these kids can just transfer without moving. That's a whole another topic though... Lol good luck to Monticello !
Re: Excellent Hire

I heard The same thing, it was the administration, the players liked Woody. I can't imagine players leaving because of him. I know players and coaches that have played or coach beside him
Re: Excellent Hire

The kid that left, left before basketball season began and it was a transportation issue, not a disgruntlement issue. No other kids as of yet declared any intention of leaving, pure speculation of hopeful rivals. Only Coach Woody knows his reasons for truly leaving, I would suggest you ask him, but I am sure it is a combination of change at MHS (not good nor bad change) and another school offering him a different challenge or opportunity. I wish him well, as for Monticello, there are enough quality young men and quality assistant coaches that are committed to maintaining the current level of success, and to even push farther than when Coach Woody was here. Sleep on Monticello or ring the "death knell' all you want but we will be fine. Although transitioning coaches is not necessarily a good thing for program continuity, we have done just fine with the two transitions that have occurred and I have full confidence that a quality head coach will be hired and MHS will continue to roll right along.
Now that all of the dust has settled lets look at where things stand for Monticello. AD hired, giving much needed athletic program stability. Quality head coach hired, Jeff Lloyd, who has experience building programs and running successful programs in multiple stops who appears to be in his final destination spot (property in the county and looking to buy or build). Experienced and motivated assistant coaching staff from a successful program in place and eager to continue. A plethora of young talent eager to make their own mark on our programs history. A chip on our shoulder the size of the Monticello Mansion, and near 100% turnout for either off-season workouts/lifting or spring sports. A lot of positive energy, hungry energy around here!

We have holes to fill, stories to tell, players to emerge from obscurity, and excitement for all associated to see! It hasn't been a normal off-season, but then again normal is boring as hell!
Re: Excellent Hire

I heard The same thing, it was the administration, the players liked Woody. I can't imagine players leaving because of him. I know players and coaches that have played or coach beside him
Not a good fit with administration is what I heard