Coaching tenure

colonel 72

VaPreps Rookie
Aug 30, 2010
Speaking of Highfill. How do you all feel about what I see as a trend for todays coaches to stay until the talent runs out and then try to get another gig at a school with a talent upswing? Highfill, Willis White, Joel Hicks and many of the old coaches stayed at their schools thru thick and thin. Doesn't seem to be the thing to do anymore. Maybe irate parents and fans have something to do with it also to be fair.
There are quite a few that have stayed for a long period. Guys like Christmas at JF, Mags at Salem, Casto at Riverheads, Coleman at ER has been there since the school opened about 10 years ago I believe. Many more I'm sure
There are quite a few that have stayed for a long period. Guys like Christmas at JF, Mags at Salem, Casto at Riverheads, Coleman at ER has been there since the school opened about 10 years ago I believe. Many more I'm sure
There have been many to be sure but i was focusing more on the current coaches out there.
I doubt if there is any general answer that you can apply to this question. Most likely each situation is different. But the two most likely reasons would be: A) they saw a better opportunity for themselves or their family; or B) they were not getting the job done where they were and either they knew it or they sensed that other people felt that way. I would not think very many coaches would leave right in the middle of a successful string because they would be having as much fun as the kids were.
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I don't think there are going to be anymore Mike Smiths, Norm Lineburgs, Joel Hicks, Jim Woodsons, Willis Whites, Chippie Chappels. It has gotten too demanding to do it for 30+ years. There will be some. But I don't see too many staying in coaching that long, much less at one school.

There are some "ring chasers" out there to be sure. But I think the biggest roadblock is the year round aspect to coaching, especially football. Guys get burned out much quicker than they used to when they actually got a break at the end of the season to recover, see their families, and recharge their batteries.

The winning is a factor, because you have to deal with a lot less "noise" when you win, but I think the grind of the year round aspect is more impactful. But thats just my two cents.
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I don't think there are going to be anymore Mike Smiths, Norm Lineburgs, Joel Hicks, Jim Woodsons, Willis Whites, Chippie Chappels. It has gotten too demanding to do it for 30+ years. There will be some. But I don't see too many staying in coaching that long, much less at one school.

There are some "ring chasers" out there to be sure. But I think the biggest roadblock is the year round aspect to coaching, especially football. Guys get burned out much quicker than they used to when they actually got a break at the end of the season to recover, see their families, and recharge their batteries.

The winning is a factor, because you have to deal with a lot less "noise" when you win, but I think the grind of the year round aspect is more impactful. But thats just my two cents.
Your two cents were very insightful. Speaking of year round practice and specializing in one sport, do you have any thoughts on these two issues that seem to go hand in hand.
From what I see and hear from parents and fans in general in the stands, I can see why some coaches move and some just quit altogether!

I am lucky enough to get to several different teams games. Same stuff, mostly, for winning or losing teams. Most negative stuff being said can be traced directly back to parents/fans who put little Johnny’s PT over the team. Like I said, doesn’t seem to matter which program. A few are worse than others but none seem to be free from this trend.
Speaking of Highfill. How do you all feel about what I see as a trend for todays coaches to stay until the talent runs out and then try to get another gig at a school with a talent upswing? Highfill, Willis White, Joel Hicks and many of the old coaches stayed at their schools thru thick and thin. Doesn't seem to be the thing to do anymore. Maybe irate parents and fans have something to do with it also to be fair.
I definitely hear whatv u saying Colonel, I mean there was 5 assistant Appo coaches that left after last year. Just seems odd to me when majority of people know the talent level was gonna be young. (We was all shocked for as far as we went) Not JUST the coaches, Ive noticed players from the previous year not come out when still eligible for whatever reason is beyond me. I know of one was on all 3 State title Appo teams but this year didn't play. (Shoulder Shrugs)

Coach Smith from Appo came into Appo when they was not very good. He brought along Coach Castello that was with him at Heritage Pioneers that coaches defense. I will say they are a great duo and glad we still have them both, not to mention the other few that stayed around.. My thanks to them all. BUT I dont know all their circumstances and I will leave it at that. #PO1OnTheRise
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Parents ruin sports for kids and coaches. There isn't enough time for me to expound on it.

I despise specialization of athletes. I think it is horrible for them physically and mentally. They don't develop into complete athletes because the only develop certain skills. They get tired of the sport because they play it year round. Soccer, baseball/softball, and basketball are the worst but others are getting just as bad.

Kids should play everything possible until they are AT LEAST as sophomore. If you show some "special" aptitude in one sport at that point them maybe you can start focusing on it to fine tune things. Every college coach I've talked to agrees and would much rather have a well rounded athlete to work with than a robot who can only do a few things.

And every kid from golf to football to cross country should focus on stretching, weights, nutrition and sleep a lot more than their particular sport. again just my two cents.
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Since talking about coaches, we can't leave out the following.

Wayne Cosby at Southampton (AA) back then He had the best decade run of football in VA football history at any level. Southampton had a national record at one time with 69 straight wins and they played for the state title 8 years in row from 72 to 79.

Giles-Ragsdale, Graham-Carlock, Gate City-Harry Fry, Powell Valley-Phil Robbins. All of these guys were studs
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I think a lot of it has to do with the way administration handles the noise

I don't think that many want to deal with people (mostly parents) and back the coaches any longer. Social media gives some clueless people a platform and they think everything should be their way....sorry it isn't Burger King we are dealing with.

All of those legends that were mentioned above that were legends, they were well respected but not always well liked. I wonder what would have been their legacy if they would have had to deal with our current media driven society?
From what I see and hear from parents and fans in general in the stands, I can see why some coaches move and some just quit altogether!

I am lucky enough to get to several different teams games. Same stuff, mostly, for winning or losing teams. Most negative stuff being said can be traced directly back to parents/fans who put little Johnny’s PT over the team. Like I said, doesn’t seem to matter which program. A few are worse than others but none seem to be free from this trend.

I can kinda see that, or at least expect that, as I hear that anywhere from those magnificent stands coaches, I don't agree at all, but I can see how parents can be. The ones that REALLY bother me is teams that consistently win, when they do happen to lose, they rag on the coaches. In some of these instances, from the way it is talked about, the opposing team has never just been better, it's always the coaches.
Who in their right mind would want to be a headcoach in today's self entitled society? Think about some! They have to be whacked lol.
Maybe they still hold out hope of reaching some of these young people. The long term results of true leadership out of these coaches are not often realized for a decade after they have played for the coach.

Being critical of young people and the parents may be the easiest thing to do but if we ever hope to have a different future then someone has to stand in the breach. We all should be standing there but sadly we expect someone else to do it. Say something to the jacka$$ parent that is cussing the officials and coaches from the safety of the stands. Try to engage with the trouble young person that doesn’t “get it”. We as a society fail the young people when we don’t hold other adults and ourselves as accountable as we would our child’s coach. Just my .02
Being critical of young people and the parents may be the easiest thing to do but if we ever hope to have a different future then someone has to stand in the breach. We all should be standing there but sadly we expect someone else to do it. Say something to the jacka$$ parent that is cussing the officials and coaches from the safety of the stands. Try to engage with the trouble young person that doesn’t “get it”. We as a society fail the young people when we don’t hold other adults and ourselves as accountable as we would our child’s coach. Just my .02

We had a real nut for a while at Union. She didn't say anything to our people, but routinely yelled at and cussed the players of the other team. Normally, she sat far enough away from me to where I could only hear her big mouth, but not close enough to say anything. Then, one game she sat directly behind me. She started cussing the visiting team's players and telling them to get off the field during warmups. I finally had enough and turned around and simply said, "you know, you're making us all look bad by yelling at these poor kids the way you do."

She seemed genuinely surprised by my words. After an initial space of silence she became emboldened by a late arriving friend sitting beside her. She then proceeded to talk about me the rest of the game while ringing a cowbell within inches of the back of my head and right ear. She continued ringing it after the game as we walked down the steps, filed out of the bleachers and towards the exit.

I never said another word to her after my initial comments and completely ignored her attempts to spark a reaction. I don't know if she still attends games, but I haven't seen her at one in 2 years.

I highly doubt that my words actually made a difference in her overall thinking, but at least I don't have to hear her loud obnoxious mouth any longer.

Now, I was taking a chance because some people that act that way at HS sporting events can be unhinged. She could have cracked my skull open with that cowbell instead of ringing it. Lol. And that might be why more people don't speak out. Never know when one of those loud mouths might get physically violent.
We had a real nut for a while at Union. She didn't say anything to our people, but routinely yelled at and cussed the players of the other team. Normally, she sat far enough away from me to where I could only hear her big mouth, but not close enough to say anything. Then, one game she sat directly behind me. She started cussing the visiting team's players and telling them to get off the field during warmups. I finally had enough and turned around and simply said, "you know, you're making us all look bad by yelling at these poor kids the way you do."

She seemed genuinely surprised by my words. After an initial space of silence she became emboldened by a late arriving friend sitting beside her. She then proceeded to talk about me the rest of the game while ringing a cowbell within inches of the back of my head and right ear. She continued ringing it after the game as we walked down the steps, filed out of the bleachers and towards the exit.

I never said another word to her after my initial comments and completely ignored her attempts to spark a reaction. I don't know if she still attends games, but I haven't seen her at one in 2 years.

I highly doubt that my words actually made a difference in her overall thinking, but at least I don't have to hear her loud obnoxious mouth any longer.

Now, I was taking a chance because some people that act that way at HS sporting events can be unhinged. She could have cracked my skull open with that cowbell instead of ringing it. Lol. And that might be why more people don't speak out. Never know when one of those loud mouths might get physically violent.
So very true and the reason i dont confront them. Being very nice about it does not help now days, some people only need a look to go off.
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I agree and there are times that a school official or an available deputy sheriff may be the answer. My point basically being that like you with this individual, sometimes all it takes is someone calling them out on their behavior. I applaud you for handling the situation even in light of the incessant bell ringing you had to endure.
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If they get beat (and thats a big "if") the Riverheads fans will get on here and say they got beat by a better team. I've never heard them make excuses and wouldn't expect them to start. Starts with their HC and filters its way down through the team.
Gretna beat them in 2011 and they were a class act before, during and after the game. I agree that they will not make excuses, wont trash coaches nor schemes. Wish more programs could say that. Good luck to both teams Saturday.
Going back to topic on coaches stepping down. Saw in paper today on front page Heritage Pioneers coach is retiring. Well I do believe that the majority of all his good group of players that came through are graduating this year...Hmmm (hand on chin)
Going back to topic on coaches stepping down. Saw in paper today on front page Heritage Pioneers coach is retiring. Well I do believe that the majority of all his good group of players that came through are graduating this year...Hmmm (hand on chin)
Which paper? Liberty University coach is retiring.

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