First, let me stress that I am of the opinion that Lake Taylor is the better team - not just "better that day", but better, period. Assuming both squads at full strength, let's do the "if they played ten times" thing. If LT played well each time, I doubt that Salem would win even one time out of ten meetings.
Next, allow me to offer a correction. The number two tailback, and Fox's replacement, was #28, Donte Clayborne. Davonta Womack, #2, is a wide receiver/corner back, who is a very good player in his own right.
And no - speaking strictly in football terms, Clayborne is not Coleman Fox, in any way, shape, or form. Clayborne is a great kid, and Salem is lucky to have him. He'd probably start for most of the 4A teams in the state. But Fox can just do things that Clayborne can't. Hence, the offer to play running back at a Division 1 school. As has been noted many times, Salem doesn't produce much D1 talent. The school's been open nearly forty years, and one doesn't need all ten fingers to count our D1 recruits. Having seen every varsity game both of them have played, I can assure you that Fox is a much superior offensive player than Clayborne. And again - that's not a knock on Clayborne. It's just that Coleman Fox is probably the best offensive player in the history of the school. The only other running back that enters the conversation is Marcus Parker, but Parker wasn't the receiver that Fox is.
So, my point is: you don't lose the best offensive player (and a darn good one on the defensive side of the ball) a school's ever had and still have the same team. People who only saw Salem play in Lynchburg this year didn't see the real Salem team. How do you lose a player like that, and still say "he wouldn't have made any difference?" You can't say that, unless you're somehow impaired. A healthy Fox wouldn't have made all the difference, but he sure would have made a significant difference in both the flow of the game, and the final margin. If Clayborne was able to run for about 140 yards, what might Fox have done? And that doesn't even take into account his capabilities as a receiver and punt returner. We probably wouldn't be reading all this endless bullsh*t about "the North cant' close the gap", "the top six teams in the South are better than the best team in the North", etc., etc., etc. This wasn't like 2013, when a toothless Sherando team was completely outclassed by Dinwiddie.
Yes, we all know injuries are part of the game. Having watched football longer than you have, I don't need you to tell me that. But the "next man up" stuff doesn't fly in high school, where you have to play the cards you're dealt, personnel-wise. If you're talking about a Fox at a school like Salem, there's going to be a big dropoff. We don't have three more D1-level talents waiting in the cupboard. And no, that's not a coaching failing. We just don't have that kind of talent base, and we never will. At a certain point, hard work, attitude, and technique will only get you so far.
So, kudos to LT. Clearly the best team in 4A, and one of the very best in all the state. But can we all - and you, in particular - quit pretending that the game and score would have been the same if Fox had been full strength? As I said at the beginning, either way, LT wins (barring a rash of Titan turnovers), so it's all moot, anyway.