Congrats to Graham. Told u guys 2 days before we (Radford) played


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 24, 2018
I read on this board about East Rock and East Rock being a beast and the path being cleared with Appo and Poquoson losing. East Rock being favored by 2 TD's over everyone. I watched Graham play Richlands the week before Radford had to play them, and I just gritted my teeth and thought, (you people have no clue or concept about what you are talking about) if you could see this team, and that the beast is one in the far west. Unless that Graham team were to come out and turn over 4-5 times, there ain't no 2A beating them, period. No offense to East Rock who was solid and had an awesome season or Appo who was solid and I hear Poquoson was good, but it wouldn't have mattered. Congrats to Graham and all the teams who competed and worked hard for the 2018 season.
I had someone tell me Graham didn't have a chance. My reply, have you seen them play? He had not. To truly appreciate what this group evolved into about mid-season on, you have to see them play in person.
I got to see them in person 2x. Gouchlands defense played great. They held the G-men out if the endzone on 2 early possessions. Or it could have been worse. The G-men missed both field goals. Gouchland didn't fold and played hard to the end.
It would have been very interesting to see Graham vs East Rockingham when they were rolling. Not to say ER would win, but it certainly would have been something to see
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It would have been very interesting to see Graham vs East Rockingham when they were rolling. Not to say ER would win, but it certainly would have been something to see

I wanted to see East Rockingham play. I watched them on Hudl clips and those boys seemed well coached and explosive on O.
It would have been very interesting to see Graham vs East Rockingham when they were rolling. Not to say ER would win, but it certainly would have been something to see

Even if they still met in the title game ER, i think, wouldve matched up better with Graham cuz they were more versatile. I believe it wouldve been a barn burner
I think Grahams defense was just as big a factor as their offense. I think they were the most complete team and was playing the best ball at seasons end. Hard nosed, hard hitting defense and an explosive offense.
With both at their best, no contest. Graham by 3 scores easily as they were better than any other 2A team in the offensive backfield, the defensive backfield, the offensive line, and the defensive line. If East Rock is only putting up 21 on Goochland, then they wouldn't get over 7 on Graham. Goochlands defensive line kept it respectable to a degree with Graham getting 31, they would have put up 45 on East Rock. Graham was good enough on the line of scrimmage that they could have played all smashmouth and little to no passing (Goochland style) and they still win the title by easily 2 scores. East Rock was a fantastic team, but losing to Goochland by 2 TDs and even thinking they would be in the same planet with Graham just isn't realistic. Goochland gashed East Rock with runs and Powerball. Goochland has 130 yds total on Graham. They had two players literally carried off the field and you could hear some of the licks from the bleachers.
With both at their best, no contest. Graham by 3 scores easily as they were better than any other 2A team in the offensive backfield, the defensive backfield, the offensive line, and the defensive line. If East Rock is only putting up 21 on Goochland, then they wouldn't get over 7 on Graham. Goochlands defensive line kept it respectable to a degree with Graham getting 31, they would have put up 45 on East Rock. Graham was good enough on the line of scrimmage that they could have played all smashmouth and little to no passing (Goochland style) and they still win the title by easily 2 scores. East Rock was a fantastic team, but losing to Goochland by 2 TDs and even thinking they would be in the same planet with Graham just isn't realistic. Goochland gashed East Rock with runs and Powerball. Goochland had 130 yds total on Graham. They had two players literally carried off the field and you could hear some of the licks from the bleachers. The difference in Graham and Easy Rockingham was Graham's size and physicality. From watching ERs film against Goochland and other Hudl clips, it's clear ER was a great team, but they would have been overwhelmed with Graham's lineplay on both sides of the ball that would be apparent from the first play.
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With both at their best, no contest. Graham by 3 scores easily as they were better than any other 2A team in the offensive backfield, the defensive backfield, the offensive line, and the defensive line. If East Rock is only putting up 21 on Goochland, then they wouldn't get over 7 on Graham. Goochlands defensive line kept it respectable to a degree with Graham getting 31, they would have put up 45 on East Rock. Graham was good enough on the line of scrimmage that they could have played all smashmouth and little to no passing (Goochland style) and they still win the title by easily 2 scores. East Rock was a fantastic team, but losing to Goochland by 2 TDs and even thinking they would be in the same planet with Graham just isn't realistic. Goochland gashed East Rock with runs and Powerball. Goochland had 130 yds total on Graham. They had two players literally carried off the field and you could hear some of the licks from the bleachers. The difference in Graham and Easy Rockingham was Graham's size and physicality. From watching ERs film against Goochland and other Hudl clips, it's clear ER was a great team, but they would have been overwhelmed with Graham's lineplay on both sides of the ball that would be apparent from the first play.

Well honestly you cant use one game to determine how good a team is. Not an ER person, but they played their worst by a lot against Goochland.

If we go off of results from a game, I can easily make a case that Riverheads would be right with Graham, and I dont believe that to be the case.

ER matches up better against Graham than Goochland did. Allen certainly wouldn't have been head and shoulders the most athletic/fastest on field if they were playing ER. Evans would have been right there with him.

To think that because they scored 21 in 1 game that they would be held to 7 without any other facts behind it is like you said isnt realistic.
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Well honestly you cant use one game to determine how good a team is. Not an ER person, but they played their worst by a lot against Goochland.

If we go off of results from a game, I can easily make a case that Riverheads would be right with Graham, and I dont believe that to be the case.

ER matches up better against Graham than Goochland did. Allen certainly wouldn't have been head and shoulders the most athletic/fastest on field if they were playing ER. Evans would have been right there with him.

To think that because they scored 21 in 1 game that they would be held to 7 without any other facts behind it is like you said isnt realistic.

Graham’s HC Tony Palmer said he thought graham actually would’ve matched up better against east rock. He seemed that he would’ve rather plyed them than Goochland.
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Well honestly you cant use one game to determine how good a team is. Not an ER person, but they played their worst by a lot against Goochland.
If we go off of results from a game, I can easily make a case that Riverheads would be right with Graham, and I dont believe that to be the case.
ER matches up better against Graham than Goochland did. Allen certainly wouldn't have been head and shoulders the most athletic/fastest on field if they were playing ER. Evans would have been right there with him.
To think that because they scored 21 in 1 game that they would be held to 7 without any other facts behind it is like you said isnt realistic.

I think Goochland had something to do with East Rock playing their worst by a lot. Goochland was more physical than ER and it showed on both sides of the line. I would go off results for the entire season and looking at all teams and playoffs results. Graham walked through the playoffs. Also, Graham didn't play its best against Goochland. 31-9 was generous. Graham left about 10-14 points on the field in the first half. I think ER actually does not match up better against Graham. Goochland did. It would take a physical team with a physical iine like Goochland or Union last year to have a better chance at beating Graham. Evans is a beast and a great player and athlete, but he doesn't play on the line of scrimmage.

Goochland's coach talked about it after the game in an interview and talked about Graham's line. All teams coaches that faced them in the playoffs talked about this including Union's, Richlands, Saunders at Radford, and Goochland's. They basically had the same consensus describing they knew Graham had great athletes, but their lineplay overwhelmed them. I don't discount the opinion that ER played it's worst against Goochland, but from watching the video from tackle to tackle across the line of scrimmage, Goochland was winning those battles regularly and getting penetration and blowing up plays. Goochland won the line of scrimage on both sides of the ball. Against Graham, Goochland got absolutely pummeled on both sides of the line of scrimmage play after play after play. That's why I hold the opinion that Graham would fair far better against ER than they did Goochland. Regarding facts. here's what we do know. Graham destroyed the team that beat ER by 2 touchdowns to win the state title.
I never once said ER would have won, maybe they get beat by 50. My whole point is you can't take the results of 1 game and definitively predict the outcome.

Sure Goochland had something to do with it, never said anything to the contrary. But to think that they were the only reason, where other teams can have an "off" day isn't telling the whole story.

I remember reading that if Graham had the opportunity to replay Bluefield that the results would be drastically different. So why dont we give ER the same benefit?

And I am certainly not the type that likes to see the "they won, but they should have won by more." How do we go from giving Goochland all the credit against ER, but not for holding Graham down those extra 10-14 points. They also lost their best play early in the game.

I have no issue with Graham, have no issue with people having these opinions. But to make assumptions as fact based on 1 game, and not using the same rules just doesnt seem right
I never once said ER would have won, maybe they get beat by 50. My whole point is you can't take the results of 1 game and definitively predict the outcome.

Sure Goochland had something to do with it, never said anything to the contrary. But to think that they were the only reason, where other teams can have an "off" day isn't telling the whole story.

I remember reading that if Graham had the opportunity to replay Bluefield that the results would be drastically different. So why dont we give ER the same benefit?

And I am certainly not the type that likes to see the "they won, but they should have won by more." How do we go from giving Goochland all the credit against ER, but not for holding Graham down those extra 10-14 points. They also lost their best play early in the game.

I have no issue with Graham, have no issue with people having these opinions. But to make assumptions as fact based on 1 game, and not using the same rules just doesnt seem right

Whatever you say man. If you feel East Rock at their best would have played with Graham or made it closer with Graham, I respect it. I respect all opinions on it.
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Im using the transitive property here.

If Goochland is 14 better than East Rock and Graham is 22 better than Goochland then Graham is 36 better than East Rock!!

Of course I know that its all about matchups, but after watching video of Goochland and East Rock, there is no doubt in my mind that Graham would have man handled East Rock on both sides of the ball and were far more physical.

I dont think it mattered who Graham faced in the finals, they would have won pretty handily. Goochlands points came off of Graham miscues. The defense was nasty and the offense was outstanding. Also to say that one of East Rocks players is "right there" with Cam Allen is a pretty big stretch if you ask me. Allen was 3rd ALL TIME in the HISTORY of the state of Virginia with 61 touchdowns scored. And the ONLY player that I ever recall being named offensive and defensive player of the year for the state team. Unless you are talking about Ronald Curry or Vic Hall, I find the statement that somebody is "right there" with him a bit ridiculous.

Graham has the hardware. Thats all that matters.
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Whatever you say man. If you feel East Rock at their best would have played with Graham or made it closer with Graham, I respect it. I respect all opinions on it.

I respect the opinion too, however wrong it is. jk
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Ok, let's use the transitive property.

Graham beat Giles 28-13 and Glenvar beat Giles 38-6, thus Glenvar is 17 points better than Graham.

Or let's do Riverheads. Galax beat Radford 41-21, Chilhowie beat Galax 28-7 and Riverheads beat Chilhowie 35-7. Graham beat Radford 57-13. Which by YOUR comparison of scores, Riverheads is 18 points better.

And oh wait, East Rockingham beat Riverheads by 28, which means East Rockingham is 46 points better than Graham.

You see how silly your argument is.

Again, not once did I say that ER would win. But you are making your basis on ER off of ONE game. So how about we all use the Bluefield game as our entire basis of Graham. That was their worst game, it was early in the season, etc. Well every team can only have 1 worst game, and it doesnt discriminate.

But you fellas are obviously missing the whole point. I am certainly not saying Graham wasnt the best team, not disparaging them at all. What I am saying is you cant take the results of 1 game and formulate a conclusive opinion of that team.

Especially when you won't even listen to another opinion, and when those other opinions are just that a game could have been closer, not a different outcome and trying to say how wrong it is, that is only having one view point and nothing will change your mind
Of course I understand your opinion, just totally disagree. "jk" means just kidding by the way.

And if you read the very next statement after I used the transitive property, you would have known I was joking and not serious about that at all. People joke about the transitive property on these boards all the time.

I respect your opinion most of the time on here, just dont see it the same this time around, of course Im a little biased.

Did not mean to ruffle feathers, just an attempt at humor.

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