Eastern View Holiday Tourney

Not sure what I think about Louisa yet. With the size they had, they should have beaten EV by a mile. EV really isn't that good top to bottom this real inside game at all. If D'Ago Hunter doesn't have a great game, they don't win games. That being said, EV could have easily won this game. I don't know if Louisa is just big and not real talented or if it's coaching. Those closer need to let me know. I'm not going with the "injury" thing or the "football" thing anymore. The guys they had on the floor were huge, but they didn't "handle" things.
I believe most people don’t know how to take Louisa yet, and rightfully so. I have to put the close games on injuries. A strong backcourt is much needed for the making of a very good basketball team. Hunter and Poindexter both are difference makers. Louisa is starting a Sophomore at PG. I must say he’s holding his own to this point. The kid is only getting better with experience. The game against Wakefield was what I think is their biggest test of to date. That game saw Hunter and Poindexter both play more minutes in a 8 point win. I still say with a completely healthy roster Louisa would’ve taken care of Albemarle and would be 6-0 instead of 5-1 right now. Only time will tell.

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