Essex Nondistrict Schedule..........


VaPreps All District
May 29, 2001
The success the Trojans have experienced for about the last decade or so is certainly impacting their scheduling once again. Check out this slate:
2A Goochland
4A King George (new)
2A King William
5A Deep Run (new)
3A James Monore
They are even finding it difficult to schedule scrimmages. It's so bad they will be playing a benefit game with Washington & Lee.
Been informed the VHSL will not be releasing the football schedules until the first week in August.
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That is one hellacious non district schedule. Not to mention the battles they will have in the NND.
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That is one hellacious non district schedule. Not to mention the battles they will have in the NND.
There are no battles in the NND with that schedule. When you play up like Essex does, you are very dangerous come playoff time. I've seen them play. Barely enough guys to field a squad. Ton's of heart. No fear. For what they have to play with, most impressive team I've seen. You can see it in their eyes. Defeat is not an option. I have no idea what they will do in the future but their current path cannot be disputed.
There are still other good teams in the NND although Essex is clearly the favorites. Colonial Beach for one is a very good team and return some studs most notably Lamar Lucas. Also I'm not exactly sure what W&L has returning but with Todd Jones as their coach and the bitter rivalry between them and Essex you can't count them out either
I have heard that Coach Jeremy jack is coming back to the Beach, so that will add a new wrinkle and dimension to CB.
The success the Trojans have experienced for about the last decade or so is certainly impacting their scheduling once again. Check out this slate:
2A Goochland
4A King George (new)
2A King William
5A Deep Run (new)
3A James Monore
They are even finding it difficult to schedule scrimmages. It's so bad they will be playing a benefit game with Washington & Lee.
Been informed the VHSL will not be releasing the football schedules until the first week in August.

That's stepping up! I like it. They might get a bit bruised, but come playoff time, this schedule will payoff big dividends.

I'm actually really surprised to see a 5A team step down that far, but I'm glad to see it. Can't help but wonder, with the "districts" now defunct, how much longer before schools just start crossing divisions and getting out of their old district schedules. Could make for some interesting games in the future.
That's stepping up! I like it. They might get a bit bruised, but come playoff time, this schedule will payoff big dividends.

I'm actually really surprised to see a 5A team step down that far, but I'm glad to see it. Can't help but wonder, with the "districts" now defunct, how much longer before schools just start crossing divisions and getting out of their old district schedules. Could make for some interesting games in the future.

Hey GWB,

Glad you're up and going. Unfortunately, districts aren't "defunct" but they just don't have any value like they use to. I spoke with Sel last night and we had a long conversation about it. Simply put, districts are around because most schools believe that is where they will generate the most revenue. Playing a district schedule keeps them close to their rivals compared to some conferences.

Districts will be around until at least the 2019-2020 season since the conference cycles are expected to last four years. I do expect some teams to petition to go into a different district because conference play is more keen to seeding, playoff position, etc. I will give you the example I talked about last night with Sel. We spoke about New Kent who is in the Bay Rivers District (plays teams like Warhill, Poquoson, Smithfield) but is much closer to the Tidewater District (Charles City, King William, West Point). It wouldn't surprise me if they asked to move. Playing in the Bay Rivers gives them more power points for wins, but the bigger schools take a hit from it since they are playing down.

While I favor dissolving districts and allowing teams to play an independent schedule, I don't think it will happen anytime soon. District organization saves ADs time and not having to schedule as many games. With some schools having more than 10 sports, it takes the burden off of ADs who do both that job as well as teaching.

Well, guess I've done my rant for today. Hope everybody has a great weekend!
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Hey GWB,

Glad you're up and going. Unfortunately, districts aren't "defunct" but they just don't have any value like they use to. I spoke with Sel last night and we had a long conversation about it. Simply put, districts are around because most schools believe that is where they will generate the most revenue. Playing a district schedule keeps them close to their rivals compared to some conferences.

Districts will be around until at least the 2019-2020 season since the conference cycles are expected to last four years. I do expect some teams to petition to go into a different district because conference play is more keen to seeding, playoff position, etc. I will give you the example I talked about last night with Sel. We spoke about New Kent who is in the Bay Rivers District (plays teams like Warhill, Poquoson, Smithfield) but is much closer to the Tidewater District (Charles City, King William, West Point). It wouldn't surprise me if they asked to move. Playing in the Bay Rivers gives them more power points for wins, but the bigger schools take a hit from it since they are playing down.

While I favor dissolving districts and allowing teams to play an independent schedule, I don't think it will happen anytime soon. District organization saves ADs time and not having to schedule as many games. With some schools having more than 10 sports, it takes the burden off of ADs who do both that job as well as teaching.

Well, guess I've done my rant for today. Hope everybody has a great weekend!

Hey Dre!,

Thanks for the "defunct" comment was meant to be more generalized, there aren't "district titles or champions" anymore or an All-District squad, so in that sense, there isn't any value placed on calling it a "district". I do believe that some of the bigger drawing games from the old districts will remain, KW vs. WP, as an example. New Kent has been such an outlier in terms of the former Bay Rivers District, as was Southampton prior to their move to a southside schedule. It would make sense for NK to make that switch and adding Bruton wouldn't hurt either. I was under the impression that the "districts" were only a point of reference, a gentleman's agreement of sorts. Does the VHSL have supreme control over that also? I think AD's will try to keep with the regional theme (or keep it in the Conferences, as they are called today), like the old district format because of travel expenditures. But I also believe we will eventually see quite a few teams stepping outside of their old district lines and playing someone they are not accustomed to seeing. I'm pretty certain there's a lot more gate to be made at Smithfield and Kings Fork or Nanesmond River or Lakeland game than having the Packers travel to Bruton, New Kent or the other teams in York County. Shorter travel time for the Packer faithful, although, we do usually travel pretty well. It'll be interesting and it'll only take one or two AD's to drop and old foe and pick up someone new on a two year cycle and it's a foot race from there.

Hope all is well in Charles City these days, spent some time over your way a few months back cleaning up my uncles old place after he passed. Without going into details, we had an interesting "run in" with a particular towing company owner, who I have since found out is in deep poop with the court systems...HaHa! Not from my dealings, but poetic justice just the same.

Take care and best of luck!
Just wanted to add one thing to the conversation. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) in football, district games against a smaller classified school receives 2 bonus points (per class) and for a non-district game they receive a 1 point bonus (per class). Since the point scale jumps two points for each class up (for win), a district game against a smaller classified team is the same as playing a team in the same classification. This way, teams are not hindered by playing a district opponent that has a smaller classification......

Lets take the example of Essex and Deep Run. If Essex gets beat by Deep Run, Deep Run will receive 16 points for beating a 1A school plus receive 4 bonus points (class difference) for a total of 20 points plus the rider points. If Essex beats Deep Run, Essex receives 24 points. This system makes it not so bad to play an opponent in a lower classification. Also, the benefit of Deep Run scheduling Essex (if they think they will win) is 20 points against Essex is better than losing to a 5A team and receiving 12 points for the loss (do not forget about rider points as well). If Deep Run were to lose to Essex, they would only receive 4 points.... I am not an expert at this so if I am not correct, please correct me!!!

Also, nice schedule for Essex!!! They will be battle tested for sure!
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