Everyone Stay Safe with The Weather

Since MrSalem posted the note above, I think we all know of the tragedy unfolding in western NC, TN, and here in parts of Virginia. For those of you old enough to remember, this weather event brings back memories of the catastrophe that hit Nelson County in 1969. I hope you will join me in praying for the people that have been affected.

Out on 460 this afternoon, I saw a convoy of specialized vehicles from tidewater headed west. I’m sure this is just one of many regional task forces from around the state that have been mobilized to render assistance.

A sad note to mention. You may have heard on the news early on that a firefighter had been killed in Georgia during Helene. He was actually brought into the hospital that our daughter works at in Waycross GA. She did not personally work his case, but her coworkers did. it was devastating for all involved. I pray for his family and his fellow firefighters, as they are his family, too.

You good people in Southwest Virginia please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of your friends here on VirginiaPreps.