FC 26 Radford 23

Sloppy game 10 TO's and a blocked punt. Oddly enough one score each off of a turnover.
First dows-FC-18, Radford-11
Total yards FC-391, Radford-168
Turnovers -FC-4, Radford-6
Your right, very sloppy. But a great comeback from FC. It looked as if FC didn't decide to play until the 4th quarter. If they would play with the intensity they did during the 4th, they could play with anybody. A win is a win I suppose.
That game was boring and UGLY all night until late in the 4th. A lot of people went home as they did in the Galax come back a few years back, only to hear. THE FORT came back and won. Maybe the coaches, the players and the fans were hanging their hat on the GW win. Who knows, by the end of the season. That win might not be to impressive. Just saying.
Bailey played really,really, really, well at QB, 180-190 total yards for offense while at QB, the defense gave up 2 short drives of 19yds and 39 after a blocked punt and a fumble. Radford scored another TD on kick-off return.

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