First Round game Predictions

Yeah. Hopefully the experience the young qb gained against galax will help him moving forward. Kid made a great throw on a fade that was dropped, but also made one or two where you just gotta give up on the play and live to play another down. He'll learn. I think starting against galax maybe a blessing, competition will not get much more difficult
Humphrey went for 347 and 5 TD's on us I'm not sure what Harris had he is right there in the conversation but from what I've personally seen Humphrey is the best.
Looking like a ton of really good 1st round games. Which 2 teams do you want to see play the most Bgboy?
I'd like to see GW vs Galax game, in my opinion the number 1 and 2 teams. But for that to happen Honaker needs to win this week. And that game would happen in the third round.
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It will be tough for Honaker to win at Ridgeview. Ridgeview is down there low, just about has to win, but Honaker is in a position to lose, and still have a good playoff position. I have seen both, and I went with RV. May have been wrong, but just my gut call.
GW , Galax, and Radford on the same side of the bracket. If Honaker loses and everybody else wins then Galax would be 3 and put them on the opposite side. That would make for a better chance of no rematches.We will find out in about 26 hours.
I didn't start the pick em this year I signed up on here to late. But I would go with ridgeview as well, but in a close one. And I'd also like to see My BLUES play Honaker, we have a good D but the O line is young and needs some work. Our two backs are good Cook and Dawson he a freshman, the younger brother of Ryheem Dawson And he's bigger than he was.
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