Football In Richmond


Richmond Region Football Writer
Dec 17, 2012
Mechanicsville, VA
Got a nugget of a book for Xmas this year, Football In Richmond.

It covers more than just high school, in fact, only a small part of it pertains to high school but reading about the amateur and semi-pro football teams some familiar names to Richmond High School football come up...

Names such as...

Bobby Magill, Walter Zyglocke and Lloyd Swelnis who all coached at Manchester in the 70's.

John Brown who coached at Henrico in the 60's and 70's.

Carl Kuhn who coached at George Wythe in the 60's and 70's.

Vic Kreiter for whom Highland Springs stadium is named after.

Chester Fritz, coached at Hermitage from the 50's to the 70's.

Fred "Cannonball" Cooper coached at Maggie Walker and John Marshall

Gene Appler who coached at John Marshall.

Who knew these coaches once played professional football here in the Richmond area?

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