Hurley had a great game plan . They had close to 28 minutes to Galax 22 minutes on time of possesion. Special teams for Hurley struggled and that was huge for Galax. Galax appeared to be allot more physical.
My goodness, the announcers for Galax made it sound like the officials were out to screw Galax over. Perhaps they were, I cannot say since I was not there...but every hit was a "HUGE" hit in their minds.. those guys made it almost unbearable to listen to this game.

Congratulations to Galax and congratulations to Hurley on a great season.
Announcers can be hard to listen to but their was a lot of big hits tonight. Don't want to get into the whole official thing so I'll just say I didn't agree with some of their calls. Congratulations to Hurley on a great season. Now it's on to JI Burton.
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Announcers can be hard to listen to but their was a lot of big hits tonight. Don't want to get into the whole official thing so I'll just say I didn't agree with some of their calls. Congratulations to Hurley on a great season. Now it's on to JI Burton.

Wish you guys the best of luck and safe travels out to the coalmines next weekend.
Wish you guys the best of luck and safe travels out to the coalmines next weekend.
Thanks, maybe this year we can go out there and a get a win. Burton is a good team and we will have our work cut out for us.
MMQP if you listened on the radio those guys always give us a good laugh. Call every game like the Super Bowl.
Mmqp. I understand the radio can get ridiculous and hard to listen to. Hurley was a tuff bunch and didn't quit. #21 was a stud.
If I'm not mistaken they held Justice to either 30 or 50 some yards I heard both so I'm not sure which is accurate, defense played pretty well for the most part. They did have a few missed assignments and the O line will need to block better and clean up the penalties as a whole if they want to continue on.

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