Galax 27- Rural Retreat 7 final. If Galax plays the same way next week that they have played the first 3 weeks GW will kill them
Mt Fan, looks like Galax 3-0 & George Wythe 3-0 at GW next week......THE Game
Of the year Early in the year. Two of the best teams in the State meet early. WOW.
You and Blaster will not sleep all week. You both probably want be able to eat either.
Best of luck to two Great football powers. Best of luck to you both, My Friends!
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#1 and #2 in 1A meeting in week 4 of the season. Don't get much better than that this game will only make both teams better.
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Unless Galax changes the way they have been playing GW will smoke um!
If our pass D looks anything like it did tonight they will be able throw at will. If we come out and play D like we did in the other 2 games we might be ok. Game 1 and 2 it was completely shut down D everywhere. Tonight it was like the kids had never seen a football at times.
Galax may be 3-0 but they haven't looked good doing it, hoping they can show improvement through out the year. I'm not trying to disrespect anybody but Galax hasn't played any good teams yet. Like I said before if they continue to play like they have so far this year the GW game could get ugly quick. I hope I'm wrong but if GW is as good as advertised Galax will he in for a long night. On the other hand a good butt kicking might be what they need to get things going.
I will say I truly do believe this team is as good as advertised. They are better than last season and the line has finally become a unit. But we haven't put 4 Qs together yet in each game so far they've play 1 good half. The rest of the time they are toying with the teams.
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