Gilliam Ratings Updated


VaPreps All State
Jun 5, 2001
Orange, Virginia
All the rescheduling forced me to do a LOT of work to my spreadsheets and Java code, because I have things written so that a team can't be playing two games in the same week. Therefore I had to create half weeks for teams that moved future games to Mondays or Tuesdays after they play Friday games.

Nevertheless, I finally got my site updated with all of this week's stuff on Friday morning around 4:00 a.m.

You're welcome.

Seriously, I hope you have fun doing a little Friday pre game browsing of my site. As usual, compliments are welcome. Criticisms are ignored (just joking--let me know anytime you see something that looks fishy. Often, what you've found is a mistake on my part--sometimes I can have fun trying to explain my illogical results).

Check it out here.
Now I know what you were writing on that chalkboard all those years ago....code for your spreadsheet!
All the rescheduling forced me to do a LOT of work to my spreadsheets and Java code, because I have things written so that a team can't be playing two games in the same week. Therefore I had to create half weeks for teams that moved future games to Mondays or Tuesdays after they play Friday games.

Nevertheless, I finally got my site updated with all of this week's stuff on Friday morning around 4:00 a.m.

You're welcome.

Seriously, I hope you have fun doing a little Friday pre game browsing of my site. As usual, compliments are welcome. Criticisms are ignored (just joking--let me know anytime you see something that looks fishy. Often, what you've found is a mistake on my part--sometimes I can have fun trying to explain my illogical results).

Check it out here.
Who makes the top-10 lists on the vapreps page? For 3A......Brentsville in the top 10??? Brentsville?? Come on

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