Hey guys, the GW/ Galax game did surprise most of us ( except Galax fans ); as well
As the Marion/ RR game. Yes there was a considerable amount of hype for GW this
Year, and Marion started out like gang busters, before being humbled at RR.
Just one or two words of common sense for any A1 school having any thought
Of going strong into the post season........We ain't there yet folks! Way too much ball
To play before the cream comes to the top.
I will say this, I do admire those on this board who love their schools, and don't hesitate
To express their passion and feelings openly. I have far more respect for them than the
Ones who read those post and sit back and wait for them to make a mistake or for those
Schools to lose, then make Hay on someone else disappointment.
One more point, it's seems like we have a self imposed school football school moderator
That comes on and post what can or can not be said about their former school. Maybe
they are very loyal to their school, and I understand that......but get real man, please.
We do have freedom of speech. If you don't like a post, so what. It is their opinion, not yours.
You can Not police what is or is not said on this site. If you think you can, which you
obviously Think you can, you need to think twice, Sir!
I did not like a reference in a post that referred to the poster as "boys", or did I like the use
Of letters that referred to "cuss" words. Maybe you just need to change your on line
Name to " Judge Judy ".