GW-56 Bland-12 FINAL

Congrats Blaster; GW was really clicking tonight! Best of luck next week!
Also to Bcbbacker; Good season My Friend you will have a lot to talk about in the off season!
Yeah MY MAROONS came out swinging tonight the Bears gave us a hard time for 2-3 series but after that we started clicking very well this is a great win heading into a very big rematch against Radford. I'll say this the Bears never once slacked and came at us until they couldn't come anymore congrats to Bland on a great season.
Really impressed with GWs d-line. It took a few series but they found the holes in blands d. Congrats gw and good luck next week
D should be better next year for the Bears. Hopefully tonight was an eye opening experience for the three freshman who were forced in to starting and that will result to a commitment to the weight room. The size difference was obvious and GW stayed in Blands backfield after the first series or two. I understand now how GW beat Galax. They matchup extremely well with them. GW is going to be tough out for anyone. Just want to take a second to commend the bland coaches on how they've handled this situation and got the kids to believe. Not once tonight did I see a bland coach yelling at player for a mistake that was made. I congratulated each of the coaches and one of the coaches praised the kids and told me they had 4 kids playing a position they've never played before on d and was proud of the way the kids came out and competed. Thanks coaches.
Again congrats to the Bears on a great season you guys came out swinging and yeah our size catches a lot of teams off guard. And I said the exact same thing about coaches for Bland when we got up 42. I told GDUB2010 that is how a coach handles a team and a game he not once quit coaching the kids and never got heated over anything that wasn't warranted. And I'm sticking to my statement that #4 is going to be something very special he has some speed.
Oh yeah, I really liked how Bland didn't give up. That says a lot. Respect to Bland in my book.
Hey Blaster, was that you lying down, face up, being passed through crowd on the GW side last night during half time???? I noticed that you slowed down on the passing through the crowd when you got to a section of ole fat women ????? Man, what a thrill that must have been for you !!
BCBbacker, the Bears got to the second round; heck that is darn good for a young team. Sounds like you guys didn't leave anything on the field. As it turned out, GW was too strong. The effort was there by the Bears, and you can't ask more than what they gave last night.
You are right, the young Bears should get in the weight room in the off season. I am very proud of both GW and the BEARS! Take care, My Friend !
You guys enjoy. This bear is headed for hibernation. Hope to be back next season to talk football. Good luck to all.
OK Blaster, Radford is coming to town.AreYou excited; Radford is sort of Glenvar; they play their best ball at playoff time.
Do not let the radcats control the ball and the clock; that is what GW needs to do, and put a spy on Radford's QB. Dog him, and Dog him. What ever you guys did wrong the first time, fix it My Friend! Later.
I'm very excited we will either see GW play a good game and stop Radford pass game which is what hurt us the first time around. Or we will see Radford come back to GW and repeat the first game all over again. The run game for Radford is good but we kept it in check the first game but we couldn't cover the pass at all that has been our weak spot all season. We moved the ball pretty easy on the ground in the 1st Q but just gave up after they scored a few TD's. And we had a spy on Finley all night he didn't hurt us with his feet it was his arm when he would scramble we got him 95% of the time he had a few runs like 5-10 yards. But never broke anything big basically GW needs to stop the pass and we win and Radford needs to throw it all night and they win.

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