GW @ Dinwiddie

Comparing Henderson to Dalton is impossible. Harry only played RB for six games as a 14 year old freshman. He ran for over 600 yards and nine tds. To be honest he proved he could run and catch. As a 15 year old Dalton ran and passed for 4,000 yards with 60 total TDs. Henderson was a beast and I remember him reversing field in 2018 and score the only td in the game from 80 yards. Same thing in his jr. year. Simply won the game with crazy runs and catches. I have seen a bunch of great running backs in my 59 years and the ones that standout to me are David Wilson, Terry Kirby, Kevin Jones, Tim Dudley (PH Roanoke), Andre Kendrick (Glass) and my all time favorite Ric Volley (EC glass and Ohio St.). Saw him score four yds on four touches against Jefferson Sr.
Crazy thing is Henderson only played 3yrs in high school, I think he enrolled into that Scarlett and gray school because of Covid happening during his senior year
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I saw David play multiple times. I’d take the dual threat Henderson. I saw Kirby. I saw Harvin,Curry,and Iverson. I watched Macho Harris for 3 years. I watched Avi Hopkins and Adam Burke. I watched Derricot(great running QB). I’ve been around for 40yrs and Henderson is the best runner with the ball I’ve ever seen.
I agree bro. Seen all them play all great.but Henderson is beast.
Never seen Henderson play live which is what this is based on. All great backs. At the end of the day, Harry being mentioned with these guys tell you all you need to know about him as a player.
Man you missed out. I watch him at least 7x. He was unstoppable I’ve seen Patrick Mills DeChevon Hayes Sadarius Williams Pat Ramsey Zyan Sturdivant Harry Dalton Shawn Alston David Wilson Derrick Green Yahkee Johnson Paul Robertson Torrian Crowell Dean Cheatham Tyree Lee etc. he is the BEST running back I’ve EVER seen with my own eyes. In high school he was undeniable I’ve never seen a player like that and I’ve seen Adam Morgan, Phillip Sims, Harry Dalton, David Wilson, Justin Hunter, Greg Dortch, Percy Harvin, Jalen Elliot, Ant Harris, Ju Ju Clayton I can keep going he was better than all of them.
Henderson always did what he did so effortlessly. He was just so fluid in his movements. We all know that he is a straight up great guy and would never try to make anybody look bad, but otherwise he almost looked like he was toying with would be tacklers.
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Comparing Henderson to Dalton is impossible. Harry only played RB for six games as a 14 year old freshman. He ran for over 600 yards and nine tds. To be honest he proved he could run and catch. As a 15 year old Dalton ran and passed for 4,000 yards with 60 total TDs. Henderson was a beast and I remember him reversing field in 2018 and score the only td in the game from 80 yards. Same thing in his jr. year. Simply won the game with crazy runs and catches. I have seen a bunch of great running backs in my 59 years and the ones that standout to me are David Wilson, Terry Kirby, Kevin Jones, Tim Dudley (PH Roanoke), Andre Kendrick (Glass) and my all time favorite Ric Volley (EC glass and Ohio St.). Saw him score four yds on four touches against Jefferson Sr.
Man BN your really going back in time with the name Ric Volley. As a kid I loved watching him at Glass and still believe he was one of the best I've ever seen come out of our state. Another great running QB that needs to be mentioned is Peter Rose out of Amherst. Never seen a QB with that kind of blinding speed but I've also never had the chance to see Harry Dalton. Sure had heard and read a lot about him, and hope he does well at Southern Cal.
GW Eagles not what they used to be. Last year they got slaughtered by Magna Vista, who lost to William Byrd 31-7, and Byrd was slaughtered by Liberty Christian. Dinwiddie you are a good team but don’t drink too much Kool- Aid
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GW Eagles not what they used to be. Last year they got slaughtered by Magna Vista, who lost to William Byrd 31-7, and Byrd was slaughtered by Liberty Christian. Dinwiddie you are a good team but don’t drink too much Kool- Aid
Can’t compare scores… GW looks to be a lot better than they’ve been and the feeder program has a lot of talent so us Danville fans will take it.
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