GW vs Radford Another Classic


VaPreps All District
Aug 30, 2012
Congrats to the Bobcats on a great season and to Finley and Grant you to young men are something very special. And Congrats to my Maroons we have an extremely hard test coming to town next Saturday and finally thank you to Markell Moss for 2 huge TD's and to Rashad Wells for scoring the final one.
This was truly one of the best football game that I have seen in a long time. And I hope that all the people that said GW had on chance in this game have to eat a lot of crow. They never quite in this game. And when Wells got loose for the winning TD they made a statement we are GDub. I hope that they have two more wins left in them. Everybody thought that they would be done today. ROOMS FOR EVER BLEED MAROON AND GRAY FOR LIFE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yeah a lot of people said GW had 0 chance to win this game but it's like I said this would not be the same game as the 1st one this is much improved GW team. And for everyone who was wondering that was a normal GW vs Radford game. On to the next one the Mighty Maroons are Marching on.
Congratulations to GW, I hoping for a rematch with y'all in Salem. GW and Galax will definitely have their hands full next week. Hey blaster didn't you win some kind of bet on the Galax and Burton game?
Thanks and Congrats to Galax I hope we meet up again too in a all West Final everyone will be wearing the right colors again haha. And yeah both of us have a battle next week but I think both of us can win. And yes I did lol I said The Maroon Tide would beat burton easy and by a few TD's and they did. It was for $10 a Coke and a Hotdog lol.
As a first time visitor to GW, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and all of the people I met. Talked to several different groups and with the exception of next week, I have found the team from that area I will follow and root for. Wonderful fanbase for both teams and one very exciting game. Can't wait until next week for the Red Pride to roll into town. Again congrats on a thrilling win.
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As a first time visitor to GW, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and all of the people I meet. Talked to several different groups and with the exception of next week, I have found the team from that area I will follow and root for. Wonderful fanbase for both teams and one very exciting game. Can't wait until next week for the Red Pride to roll into town. Again congrats on a thrilling win.

One of the best things about attending games we're you have no dog in the fight. (Well I guess you kinda do but you know what I mean.)
what kind of offense does George wythe run,
It's a mix mash of spread/wing. QB is not under center but they do not spread 4 wides either. They do run some jet sweep stuff but maybe they have a name for what it is they run. On D it was mostly 3 deep zone or a mixed man/zone with the flats being covered. Not to offend anyone but there were a lot missed tackles for both teams on numerous occasions. I don't think that's the norm for either though. In my opinion therewere several standout players from today's game for GW, the QB Beamer, RB Wells, RB Moss and the player I seen in a lot of plays on both sides of the ball Tyler Hardin. I am a fan of the Hardin young man for sure based on the way he plays the game. He is a ball hawk and plays the game the right way.

As for not having a dog in the fight you are right but I was jumping up and down when Wells ran the last one in as much as GW fans were. GW fans beside me said " you sure do want to play us next week don't you?". I had a blast and really enjoyed the fans. That is what makes high school football fun.
We run a wing T style O and yeah we hardly ever go 4 wide and yeah that was way more missed tackles than GW or Radford have it just with those 2 crazy stuff always happens lol. And yeah Markell looked very good today and this is his first year starting same thing for Beamer now Wells and Hardin started last year but only on D. Tyler Hardin is the leader of our team this season that young man has a great head about him and plays very hard and with all the respect in the world for the opponent. Next week will be a war between 2 really good teams and I might have been among that group of fans lol we will have to meet up next week before the game. Good luck to the Gladiators next week have a safe trip.
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As a first time visitor to GW, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and all of the people I meet. Talked to several different groups and with the exception of next week, I have found the team from that area I will follow and root for. Wonderful fanbase for both teams and one very exciting game. Can't wait until next week for the Red Pride to roll into town. Again congrats on a thrilling win.
Since you made the trip to GW , what kind of field do they have ? How big are they ? Can we play with them ?
It's a mix mash of spread/wing. QB is not under center but they do not spread 4 wides either. They do run some jet sweep stuff but maybe they have a name for what it is they run. On D it was mostly 3 deep zone or a mixed man/zone with the flats being covered. Not to offend anyone but there were a lot missed tackles for both teams on numerous occasions. I don't think that's the norm for either though. In my opinion therewere several standout players from today's game for GW, the QB Beamer, RB Wells, RB Moss and the player I seen in a lot of plays on both sides of the ball Tyler Hardin. I am a fan of the Hardin young man for sure based on the way he plays the game. He is a ball hawk and plays the game the right way.

As for not having a dog in the fight you are right but I was jumping up and down when Wells ran the last one in as much as GW fans were. GW fans beside me said " you sure do want to play us next week don't you?". I had a blast and really enjoyed the fans. That is what makes high school football fun.

Spot on with your observations with our offense and key players, RPN. It was a little different look for us today defensively, but it had to be. Radford's offense pressures the entire field, and Finley is the perfect qb for what they do.

I'm happy to hear you had a great experience at the game! I've been wanting to see Riverheads play for a long, long while and look forward to finally having an opportunity to next week. You guys have an awfully good program up there in the Shen!
The field sits in a bowl and is great shape. Natural grass that is cut tight. They have a big line and move fairly well. I like their backs but with all due respect, we have played a few that were faster. They are certainly well coached so don't take that as an advantage for us, they run their plays very cleanly. They remind me of Gap as far as size goes but they have more speed so we will see how that plays out. I am not sure how they would fair against our style of O because Radford runs a pure spread with huge splits and it was more about clearing the box out instead of the smash mouth style we run. I am sure they have played similar teams but I couldn't tell you how they would play against it. Obviously this year they have avenged their only loss so they are as advertised.

Now with all said Xcross, they are fundementaly sound so it should be a very good game. There is ample seating in a cement bleacher section, but if you are a "stander", I didn't see anyone around the track. Everyone stayed up on the hills and either stood or sit in lawn/camp chairs. That's my plan this trip, lol. Nice facilities with a knowledgeable and gracious fanbase. All in all, this should be a great business trip, lol.
The field sits in a bowl and is great shape. Natural grass that is cut tight. They have a big line and move fairly well. I like their backs but with all due respect, we have played a few that were faster. They are certainly well coached so don't take that as an advantage for us, they run their plays very cleanly. They remind me of Gap as far as size goes but they have more speed so we will see how that plays out. I am not sure how they would fair against our style of O because Radford runs a pure spread with huge splits and it was more about clearing the box out instead of the smash mouth style we run. I am sure they have played similar teams but I couldn't tell you how they would play against it. Obviously this year they have avenged their only loss so they are as advertised.

Now with all said Xcross, they are fundementaly sound so it should be a very good game. There is ample seating in a cement bleacher section, but if you are a "stander", I didn't see anyone around the track. Everyone stayed up on the hills and either stood or sit in lawn/camp chairs. That's my plan this trip, lol. Nice facilities with a knowledgeable and gracious fanbase. All in all, this should be a great business trip, lol.
Thanks , now I can place my bet ! From what you have told me , Red Team by 2 scores ! LOL
Yeah as Loyal said the D we ran today isn't what we normally run a lot of the time we stack the box and use our size to pressure the QB and try and make the back beat us to the outside. I think this game will be decided at the line who can control the trenches the best and impose there style of play. And again glad you had fun at the game I don't know if you saw my post after you asked if I had any tips. But if not eat at CJ's Pizza at the top of the hill great food.
Is Riverheads still running single wing offense? I know a couple of years ago against East Mont in the state final they ran it and don't remember any passing out of it. They did not run it like Giles does where they can get passing out of it to open the field. Red pride can you chime in on this for me? If so this could be like a GW Giles game. Key here to stop this offense is load the box and get someone to blow up the first pulling guard. If we control that position it will be another close game like we witnessed yesterday. I honestly cannot say that this will be another 40 point blowout for Riverheads. Our first and secondary defenders are playing really good ball. Hardin is filling in shoes left by Justin Snavely and Will Sawyers before him.
As I stated yesterday, they are big and move well on the line. The RB's are very good but not absolute burners. Beings that it was a rivalry game, I am sure there are things that are unique to games with them that we probably wouldn't normally see. I think it will be a very close game and I would be surprised if the winner reaches 20. This is an honest appraisal based on what I seen.

Now going further, GW very closely resembles Buffalo Gap, a rival of ours in your size. Overall team speed we may have a slight advantage but the size advantage goes to you guys in a big way. I am anxious to see if my assessment is correct.
I agree that it will be a close hard fought game between My Maroons and Your Gladiators I haven't seen much film on Riverheads but from what I've seen you guys do look a little faster. And the O you guys run is one thing to know what's coming and another to stop it it should be a fun game to watch. Nothing better than smash mouth football and I think that's what we will get on Saturday. And yeah our 2 main back don't have blistering speed but we have #21 Markell Moss #22 Jordan Harbor who can fly but this is there first year playing varsity so they don't see a lot of O play. Looks like you and I will get what we hoped for a month or 2 back Maroons vs Gladiators deep in the playoffs.
Honestly, every team is different. Not trying to be vague but other than running the same O, this years team has their own personality. From the outside it may look like every year is cookie cutter but there a minor adjustments made based on personnel.
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As I stated yesterday, they are big and move well on the line. The RB's are very good but not absolute burners. Beings that it was a rivalry game, I am sure there are things that are unique to games with them that we probably wouldn't normally see. I think it will be a very close game and I would be surprised if the winner reaches 20. This is an honest appraisal based on what I seen.

Now going further, GW very closely resembles Buffalo Gap, a rival of ours in your size. Overall team speed we may have a slight advantage but the size advantage goes to you guys in a big way. I am anxious to see if my assessment is correct.

Yet again, I'd say this is spot on. #72 and #79 look like they have good size, and I'm assuming they are the starting offensive tackles. Outside of those two, I'd say we do own the size advantage. Nothing pretty about the Gladiator offense, but I like it! Just good, old fashioned power football. Very well disciplined. It will take a complete team defensive effort to stop that Red train. Schaefer looks to be a very solid running back that fits what Riverheads does perfectly. However, Diehl's speed concerns me a great deal, and if he gets loose, he's gone. I get the feeling that Riverheads likes the depth of their running backs, and don't mind throwing in some fresh legs in from time to time, much like GW does. A huge key for the GW defense is winning 1st and 2nd downs too try and keep the Gladiators in 3rd and longs....Easier said than done.

I haven't seen Gap, but considering they were your toughest test and are still alive in the 2A playoffs, that's high praise. Compliment well taken, my friend.

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