Harrisonburg Paper Shows Major Love for Riverheads/Stuarts Draft Football


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
If any of you can get your hands on a copy of today's Daily New Record (Thursday the 29th) you may be as surprised as I was by their story about last season's All-Area Football Team. Maybe someone can link the story so that anyone interested can read it here online. Sorry but I don't have that capability.

First of all the timing of the story is a little odd as they are honoring the players that were standouts this past spring, so you might wander why are we still talking about those guys now, when we are a month away from a new season starting. But the real surprise was in the number of Augusta County players that they chose for this team. You would think they would be more familiar with and would want to honor more of their local talent.

Instead Riverheads' Zac Smiley and SD's Latrell Fomby were named the Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year respectively, and quite a few more county players were mentioned on one team or another. So I hope someone will be able to share the article with our readership on here.
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I believe you may need a subscription to read anything on their site. Does the Harrisonburg paper cover the Augusta County high school sports?
As a general rule they might give scores or a one-sentence report on a game from this area, so that is why it was mildly surprising. But I think they have a new sports guy that might have some prior connections to this area, so maybe things are looking up. As for the subscription, I was hoping that some of our readers do have one and can link the story. Hopefully someone will come through because it really is a longgg list of guys that were honored and I am sure they would like for their names to be seen as much as possible.
I knew someone would come through. Thanks boss and I hope everyone enjoys the story. Best of luck to the returning players and let's get this party started!
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Cody Elliott (who writes for the DNR) is a graduate of Fort Defiance. The guy knows the area and thus the Augusta Co representation.
Maybe now all Augusta Co. Schools may get some sports coverage , even the RED ONE !
Glad to see the article. I remember back in the 90's the Harrisonburg paper used to keep season stats in the paper that included Augusta county teams. There was only one Gap kid listed, I kind of felt like they should of had two or three more honorable mention. Riverheads and Draft were well represented as they should have been, they would of destroyed any of those valley teams last year.