Highland Springs Atlee


VaPreps All District
Sep 24, 2014
North Danville, VA
Got a chance to watch the Springers play finally and must I say SPEED, SPEED, and a little more SPEED. Atlee is a real scrappy team and they had a couple chances to make it a game but made too many mistakes that HS made them pay for. DJ Anderson, the Springers RB, is a MANCHILD and couldn't be stopped all night. Greg Dortch is a problem!! That kid did it all tonight and made countless eye popping plays. The defense made a lot of BIG hits and did a great job of slowing down Atlee's spread attack. Juwan Carter played a really solid game at QB, over threw his receivers some but had a really solid game. HS's TE is really good too. He had some big catches including the backbreaker that secured the game for good. Atlee's offense was clicking for most of the game. Harris is a very good QB but he was pressured by the Springers all night as he got picked twice and fumbled once. JJ Givens and Cole Blackmon both had very good games receiving, but at the end HS was just too much. If I'm not mistaken the Springers had over 650 yards of total offense. Only negative I saw with HS was their discipline. A lot of jaw jacking and penalties. Think they had 6 offside penalties, 2 unsportsmanlike, and 5 holding calls.
I think we can safely say Hermitage, Highland Springs and Bird are a cut above the rest of the Richmond area.

Which would backup what everyone thought going into this season. You have said it time and time again about how exciting the 5A playoffs will be and they certainly will here alone in the Richmond Region with those three, a surprising Matoaca team, Lee-Davis who we will know more about after this week and while Henrico did fall to Varina, I still wouldn't sleep on them come playoff time. Will be very exciting this November to say the least.
Got a chance to watch the Springers play finally and must I say SPEED, SPEED, and a little more SPEED. Atlee is a real scrappy team and they had a couple chances to make it a game but made too many mistakes that HS made them pay for. DJ Anderson, the Springers RB, is a MANCHILD and couldn't be stopped all night. Greg Dortch is a problem!! That kid did it all tonight and made countless eye popping plays. The defense made a lot of BIG hits and did a great job of slowing down Atlee's spread attack. Juwan Carter played a really solid game at QB, over threw his receivers some but had a really solid game. HS's TE is really good too. He had some big catches including the backbreaker that secured the game for good. Atlee's offense was clicking for most of the game. Harris is a very good QB but he was pressured by the Springers all night as he got picked twice and fumbled once. JJ Givens and Cole Blackmon both had very good games receiving, but at the end HS was just too much. If I'm not mistaken the Springers had over 650 yards of total offense. Only negative I saw with HS was their discipline. A lot of jaw jacking and penalties. Think they had 6 offside penalties, 2 unsportsmanlike, and 5 holding calls.
I regret to say that discipline and behavior is a problem for both of these teams. From my experiences coaching against both of these teams, the staffs do little if anything to tame it or stop it.
I regret to say that discipline and behavior is a problem for both of these teams. From my experiences coaching against both of these teams, the staffs do little if anything to tame it or stop it.
Sorry, but I do have to disagree with you. I know that just about every high school football team (loaded with nothing but teenagers) has tempers fly, excitement and mistakes made on a daily basis. Coaches (including Highland Springs') are focused on what is best for the kids first and foremost. They do speak to the kids, mentor the kids and do their best to aim these young men in the right direction to do the right thing first. The sport is secondary!
I can promise that HSHS's coaching staff addresses every discipline and or behavior problem that might arise. It always gets better! If it doesn't, the guilty parties are disciplined to whatever degree deemed necessary up to dismissal from the team, expelled from school, to legal action, dependent on the severity of the case. I've seen all of the above actions taken place on not only football, but basketball too. (probably all of the other sports too, that I don't follow as closely)
Sorry, but I do have to disagree with you. I know that just about every high school football team (loaded with nothing but teenagers) has tempers fly, excitement and mistakes made on a daily basis. Coaches (including Highland Springs') are focused on what is best for the kids first and foremost. They do speak to the kids, mentor the kids and do their best to aim these young men in the right direction to do the right thing first. The sport is secondary!
I can promise that HSHS's coaching staff addresses every discipline and or behavior problem that might arise. It always gets better! If it doesn't, the guilty parties are disciplined to whatever degree deemed necessary up to dismissal from the team, expelled from school, to legal action, dependent on the severity of the case. I've seen all of the above actions taken place on not only football, but basketball too. (probably all of the other sports too, that I don't follow as closely)
Maybe so or maybe not so. Being on the field, I hear more trash talk from these two schools then any other school. It is loud, and offensive some of the things that are said by these kids. I and other coaches I know have made it a point to tell the coaches of these two schools names or numbers of the offending parties, and while being assured by the coaches that it will be taken care of, it happens year after year with either the same kids or new ones. Until the game officials start calling unsportsmanlike penalties on this kind of behavior, it will continue, because in my opinion, the staffs will continue to allow this to go on.
I really don't know what they say to each other. Trash talk is trash talk, they all have to toughen up and be tough enough to take it without reacting! Words are words only. The problems start with retaliation. It's a good lesson for kids to learn not to retaliate when they hear something they don't like or disagree with. As long as they don't fight, they can trash talk all night long... just saying.
Well put, blue67ccm and dringtuoti. Excellent advice. Trash talking, although unfortunately pervasive, really has no place in a game. Actions speak louder than words. Make a great hit, yell in exuberance with/to your teammates, but don't stand over the opponent or speak to them. Score a TD, retrieve the ball and hand it to the referee. Get tackled or knocked down on a hard block, get up and jog back to the huddle to get ready for the next play. All hallmarks of discipline and class.
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I loved trash talk from an opponent because it made it so easy to hate them & channel that into winning the battle. I guess I can see how a team up 30 trash talking would be annoying, but usually trash talking backfires in my experience.
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I loved trash talk from an opponent because it made it so easy to hate them & channel that into winning the battle. I guess I can see how a team up 30 trash talking would be annoying, but usually trash talking backfires in my experience.
"channel that into winning the battle". football games are a battle. You have fight songs, War Dances. Devils, Tigers, Bears, Lions, Panthers, Eagles, Wolves, etc. All things related to war, battles and fights or just plain old mean! It sounds like some on here would like to see football games become tinker bell dances, dose' doe your neighbors, invite 'em over for brunch, send them a pacifier to suck on for that offensive "bad word" that somebody called me!! Wa wa wa.. It's a football game for crying out loud. This game is for tough guys!!
"channel that into winning the battle". football games are a battle. You have fight songs, War Dances. Devils, Tigers, Bears, Lions, Panthers, Eagles, Wolves, etc. All things related to war, battles and fights or just plain old mean! It sounds like some on here would like to see football games become tinker bell dances, dose' doe your neighbors, invite 'em over for brunch, send them a pacifier to suck on for that offensive "bad word" that somebody called me!! Wa wa wa.. It's a football game for crying out loud. This game is for tough guys!!

Not one post suggested it wasn't for tough guys. You can do all those things you talked about with class, dignity, and respect for your opponent.
Not one post suggested it wasn't for tough guys. You can do all those things you talked about with class, dignity, and respect for your opponent.
Right, the postings are about trash talking. "Discipline and behavior being a problem because of trash talk". "Coaches doing nothing about it", "keeping their mouths shut" and "no place for this in a game".
If you have been to a Highland Springs game, you would see what happens at games end. They all line up go across the field and they all shake hands (as all teams do). Then HS's coaches assemble a large circle of prayer with the other team in the center of the field. They all go their knees. A short speech of sportsmanship is given followed by a prayer.
Is this part of what is being called classless, undignified and lack of respect?
I don't think so.
Trash talk is part of the game. It's really meaningless in the end!
Trash talk is not part of the game - period. If it's meaningless than there's no point condoning then.
Trash talk is not part of the game - period. If it's meaningless than there's no point condoning then.
Didn't see any of that last night in last nights 45-0 drubbing of Hanover. Only real penalties were too many holding calls.
We all have an opinion... I really don't condone trash talk, but I am in touch with reality that it happens all the time, all teams, all sports! What can I do about it... NOTHING!
I know it happens, that's why the discussion got started. I actually enjoy trash talking myself, but on the playground with people I know not in amateur athletic competition.
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I know it happens, that's why the discussion got started. I actually enjoy trash talking myself, but on the playground with people I know not in amateur athletic competition.
I enjoy watching it too! I'm watching college football today. It's going on with these guys too, almost every play! You know, I like to shoot pool. When me and the guys get together and play, we all talk sh@% with each other too, it's all good nature and just for fun. It comes with competition! Some sports like figure skating, golf and poker, not so much trash talk. When you get to more physical sports like football, basketball, baseball, rugby, lacross, soccer, etc.. you see it and hear it. I honestly think it comes with the sport... Not condoning it, not against it either. It can go too far though. There is a line that is crossed at some point. That's where the officials should and do interject. There the flags will fly!! o_O