Hurdling a Defender

Rule 9-4-3d: No player shall hurdle an opponent.

Doesn't say ball-carrier, defender or anything else. It says NOBODY can hurdle an opponent.

(The reason it doesn't specify is because the most common occurance is when a kick blocker hurdles a long snapper to block a field goal or extra point.)

To be specific, the definition of hurdling is when a player attempts to jump with one or both feet or knees foremost over an opponent who is contacting the ground with only one or both feet. (Meaning a runner is free to jump over guys laying on the groundor with knees on the ground all day long if he needs to.)
Thanks for the response. I attached a link of the play in question. It it just a still photo but maybe you can give an opinion of it. The official threw the flag for hurdling and said in a humorous way I guess that he couldn't hurdle the defender because if his knees contacted him in the head it could kill him. So I understand that safety aspect of it but it negated a great run.
This post was edited on 8/29 12:22 PM by knightsfan96

Hmmm. Considering my last statement in the above post, I think you'll know my opinion.

I'll go a little farther. Even if a player is only contacting the ground with his feet, but he's diving low (near horizontal, but hasn't contacted the ground yet) and the runner hurdles him, I wouldn't consider that a foul, either.