I heard a rumor today....

People will be dancing in the streets of BV if he does LOL. That would be one loaded backfield with KJ, Marcellius and Jeremy if that were to happen.
The kid from Auburn (Jeremy Nelson) will be playing for the Parry McCluer fighting blues next year. He's dad took a job in Buena Vista.
With Coach Turner resigning I wouldn't be surprised to see dad take another job, heard the only reason hadn't taken job sooner was because of coach Turner .
All of this will come to fruition I believe. Coach Turner told the players after the game last night that he was resigning. Been rumored for weeks that Nelson was leaving after the 1st semester. We shall see
All of this will come to fruition I believe. Coach Turner told the players after the game last night that he was resigning. Been rumored for weeks that Nelson was leaving after the 1st semester. We shall see
I wouldn't be so sure about Turner resigning.[/QUOTE
Coach Turner will unfortunately step down at Auburn this year and Nelson will be playing for PM next year and that is FOR SURE going to happen. The complainers (parents and players) and there are many of them at Auburn that have complained and cried all season about Nelson being the "center of attention" and always getting the ball have managed to create a TOXIC situation there and that has filtered onto the playing field and with the players and that was very evident last night IMO. It is a great pick up for PM for sure (that backfield will be unbelievable) and a HUGE LOSS for Auburn in losing not only YOUR BEST PLAYER (PERIOD) but losing a great coach that made you actually conversation worthy. I have honestly found it amazing this season that a team such as Auburn that was so bad for so long have people that sit up in the stands every Friday and bad mouth a player (Nelson) and a coach (Turner) that without them you would still be the laughing stock of the NRV without question. I have always believed be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Good luck to Nelson and Coach Turner in what ever their future may hold.
Auburn did not light the scoreboard up last night. The big RB had 190 yds on 40 carries! Not exactly impressive against Rural Retreats defense. If he goes to PM for 1 year, so what ?
Auburn did not light the scoreboard up last night. The big RB had 190 yds on 40 carries! Not exactly impressive against Rural Retreats defense. If he goes to PM for 1 year, so what ?
So what , I thought PM going into the 2016 season would be the team to beat in the west, they are well coached young team. I have zero connection to them , I have seen them play the twice against Auburn and was impressed by them both years. They have 2 underclass backs that can be outstanding , if you add Nelson wow. I wouldn't sell RR to short I have been told they have a good team, didn't see the game I was at the pulaski game.
I saw the dude play. He fits wells in an old school offense that features the traditional full back. He is big, but lacks the true speed that would make him a great back like Humphrey, who is big and very fast. That is no knock against him, and if that is the offense PM runs, he will compliment their offense very well. Most teams have gone to the spread or pistol, and he would be not to effective in that scheme. Just my thoughts.
I saw the dude play. He fits wells in an old school offense that features the traditional full back. He is big, but lacks the true speed that would make him a great back like Humphrey, who is big and very fast. That is no knock against him, and if that is the offense PM runs, he will compliment their offense very well. Most teams have gone to the spread or pistol, and he would be not to effective in that scheme. Just my thoughts.

They run a straight T formation. He'll do great.
Yup, they've shut us down. Figured they would. Our line has played lousy for weeks, Hurley teaching our younguns how to block.
PM scores again Cuts lead to 6.
Hurley fumbles at their 40. PM ball.
PM fumbles
Final Hurley 26. PM 20

Hurley travels to GALAX next week ! That will be a tough game !
Good game for both squads. But next week will be very tough. Galax is one of the best in the State. Certainly respect PM for their Football program, especially when Coach Williams was there, along with line Coach Ellison. Some of you young dudes were not around then, but PM was known all over the Commonwealth for their Football program.
Congrats to Hurley! Made the play they needed to and beat up on our O-line pretty bad. I wish the Rebels the best of luck vs. mighty Galax!
My family will be living in Buena Vista. This is job related. The company I work for requires a lot of travel state wide. We have needed to be in a more central location for a while. That being said , It just so happens that Buena Vista is a more central location with a good program. We know and care for many of the Auburn community. Coach Turner has done a great job and I appreciate him working with my son to make him a better player. I also have enjoyed watching my sons teammates over the years and wish them all much success. I can't speak for coach Turner, but I do know he has a family of his own .Coach spent a lot of time working with the kids at Auburn and what he does from here I don't know, but I can tell you that I will always support him, because he knows what it takes to win in a tough sport and that is hard work! In the future coach has our support . Football is an awesome game . Being with my wife and son where it makes sense is serious. Change is never easy, but sometimes necessary . There are many upcoming players at Auburn that will carry the torch and do great. As I have received many calls and text messages the past few days, I felt it was necessary to address the rumors. Jeremy Nelson will be a Fighting Blue! I feel sure he will work hard and fit nicely in the offensive and defensive scheme at Parry Mccluer . Most important , his family will be together more. As for negative comments , I don't listen , or care about that. My sons performance can be easily seen on line. Verified times, statistics, etc, is all on there. In addition there are three years of highlight footage that anyone is welcome to view. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if I were a coach I would love to have a north south power runner that averages more than 7 yards a carry, surrounded by other great athletes. I would also love to use a kid like that on defense as well, because he is every bit as good there as he is on offense. I would also love to have a happy player surrounded by family that supports him and encourages him to do his best on and off the field, that wants to be together. In closing, I think a year can make a huge difference in a young mans life. A year can also make a big difference in a community that supports my family, just as Auburn has done for twelve years.
Eagle40, First, I welcome you and your family to this great community. This is a very special place to live everyone is very close. Second your son is a great ball player, I know Iv been watching him every year when we played Auburn. I know he will do great things in our program we are lucky to have your son Jeremy. He will have more support than you have ever seen. Lastly, I look forward to the future of our program. Does he play any other sports.
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Jeremy does run track! He throws and runs! He is mistaken for being slower than he really is, because is keyed on so much . However, he is fast in short distance and has a good chance of success there with the right help.
Thank you for your support and encouragement. Having to uproot your family is never easy. However, I have a good job that requires me to be a lot of places, doing a lot of things. In today's economy , I embrace that. Jeremy has done well to accept that and be mature about it. He understands that friends, or memories , will never be lost or replaced. He also knows knew ones can be made as well.
My family will be living in Buena Vista. This is job related. The company I work for requires a lot of travel state wide. We have needed to be in a more central location for a while. That being said , It just so happens that Buena Vista is a more central location with a good program. We know and care for many of the Auburn community. Coach Turner has done a great job and I appreciate him working with my son to make him a better player. I also have enjoyed watching my sons teammates over the years and wish them all much success. I can't speak for coach Turner, but I do know he has a family of his own .Coach spent a lot of time working with the kids at Auburn and what he does from here I don't know, but I can tell you that I will always support him, because he knows what it takes to win in a tough sport and that is hard work! In the future coach has our support . Football is an awesome game . Being with my wife and son where it makes sense is serious. Change is never easy, but sometimes necessary . There are many upcoming players at Auburn that will carry the torch and do great. As I have received many calls and text messages the past few days, I felt it was necessary to address the rumors. Jeremy Nelson will be a Fighting Blue! I feel sure he will work hard and fit nicely in the offensive and defensive scheme at Parry Mccluer . Most important , his family will be together more. As for negative comments , I don't listen , or care about that. My sons performance can be easily seen on line. Verified times, statistics, etc, is all on there. In addition there are three years of highlight footage that anyone is welcome to view. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if I were a coach I would love to have a north south power runner that averages more than 7 yards a carry, surrounded by other great athletes. I would also love to use a kid like that on defense as well, because he is every bit as good there as he is on offense. I would also love to have a happy player surrounded by family that supports him and encourages him to do his best on and off the field, that wants to be together. In closing, I think a year can make a huge difference in a young mans life. A year can also make a big difference in a community that supports my family, just as Auburn has done for twelve years.
Auburn is losing a great coach and football player.
Eagle40dad your son seems like a throw back player who enjoys the physicality of the game. I wish your family and your son nothing but the best.
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Eagle40dad, I read your post, and I certainly feel that you have your son's best interest in mind when making all these changes. You seem like a very open minded and honest dad, which I respect. No doubt your son is a very good student athlete, and with your changes, hopefully you can see him more on the field of play. I pray that your transitions will be easy, and I have no doubt that the PM community will welcome you with open hearts and minds.
May God Bless you and be with you on your new endeavor. Peace my Friend.
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Is there anyone in-house that would take over for Turner if he is resigning? Anyone outside that would be well suited to take over if not?
Coach has met with the administration and resigned, it will all be official on Tuesday. He has said after a year to spend with family and physically get healthy he will coach again.
Coach has met with the administration and resigned, it will all be official on Tuesday. He has said after a year to spend with family and physically get healthy he will coach again.
Huge loss for Auburn but I wish him and his family the best.
Coach has met with the administration and resigned, it will all be official on Tuesday. He has said after a year to spend with family and physically get healthy he will coach again.
If anyone knows the value of good health it is me. Heart disease, deaf in one ear, arthritis, and several other things have me grounded. My thoughts are with the Coach and his family, as well as with you and your family. Life is short and precious. Live life to the fullist, and always remember what can happen in just a twinkle of the eye. May your plans and dreams be fulfilled, and the spirit of Christ be with you. Peace My Friend!
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Thank you for your support and encouragement. Having to uproot your family is never easy. However, I have a good job that requires me to be a lot of places, doing a lot of things. In today's economy , I embrace that. Jeremy has done well to accept that and be mature about it. He understands that friends, or memories , will never be lost or replaced. He also knows knew ones can be made as well.
I wish you and your family a smooth transition and nothing but good things in the future.

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